The Indigenous Veracruz

By John P. Schmal

The state of Veracruz, located along the eastern Gulf Coast of the Mexican Republic, has a population of 7,643,194 people, representing 6.8% of Mexico's national population in 2012. Politically divided into 212 municipios, Veracruz is a very narrow state with an area of 27,730 square miles (71,820 square kilometers). The tropical plains and low hills of the coastal region quickly give rise to the slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains, thus creating a very diverse and rapidly changing topography


Veracruz shares common borders with the states of Tamaulipas (to the north), Oaxaca and Chiapas (to the south), Tabasco (to the southeast), and Puebla, Hidalgo, and San Luis Potosí (on the west). Veracruz also shares 430 miles (690 kilometers) of its eastern boundary with the Gulf of Mexico. The capital of Veracruz is Jalapa Enríquez.


Because of its famous port of the same name, Veracruz very quickly developed into a melting pot of cultures. Immigrants from Spain and other parts of the Spanish Empire started arriving at the Port of Veracruz in 1520s and continue to arrive to this day. Immigrants from other European nations and the Middle East also arrived at this location. African slaves were also brought to Veracruz when the slave trade flourished in Mexico (from 1519 to 1827). This topic was discussed in more detail in an article at this link:




However, the Africans, Middle Easterners and the Europeans were all recent introductions to Veracruz (post 1519). On the other hand, some of the Native Americans groups now inhabiting Veracruz have been living in that region for thousands of years. The history of the native peoples of the State of Veracruz is a very complex and fascinating story and some elements of this story are discussed below.


The Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity of Veracruz

The State of Veracruz has been home to a wide range of indigenous cultures over the last three thousand years. But, even today, Veracruz continues to display a unique cross-section of both linguistic and ethnic cultures. Most of the State’s principal regions are home to multiple ethnic and linguistic groups, as detailed below:


·       The Huasteca (Northern Veracruz, adjacent to Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí Hidalgo, and Puebla): Náhuatl, Otomí. Tepehua and Huasteco languages.

·       Sierra de Huayacocotla (Northwestern Veracruz adjacent to Hidalgo): Náhuatl, Otomí, Tepehua and Huasteco languages.

·       Totonacapan (North central Veracruz, adjacent to Puebla): Náhuatl and Totonaca languages.

·       Grandes Montañas (Central Veracruz adjacent to Puebla): Náhuatl, Totonaca, Popoluca and Mazateco languages.

·       Llanuras de Sotavento (Southwestern Veracruz adjacent to Oaxaca): Chinanteco, Zapoteco, Popoluca, Náhuatl, Mazateco and Mixteco languages.

·       Tuxtlas Popoluca (Southeastern Veracruz): Náhuatl language.

·       Istmo Veracruzano (Southeastern Veracruz, adjacent to Tabasco and Oaxaca): Náhuatl, Zapoteco, Popoluca, Chinanteco, Totonaca, Zoque and Tzotzil anguages.  

Because Veracruz is such a narrow state, many of its indigenous groups inhabit territories that reach into neighboring states. It is important to remember that, while the borders of the State of Veracruz were the creation of political administrators two hundred years ago, the territories of its many ethnic groups were subject to social, geographic and topographic influences that are much older.  

Native Veracruz

In the pre-Hispanic period, the modern-day state of Veracruz was inhabited primarily by four indigenous cultures. The Huastecos and Otomíes occupied the north, while the Totonacs resided in the north-center. The Olmecs, one of the oldest cultures in the Americas, became dominant in the southern part of Veracruz. For the researcher seeking to learn the detailed histories of the individual communities of Veracruz, the following works will be useful:  

  1. “Aztec Imperial Strategies” (by Frances F. Berdan, Professor Michael E. Smith, and others)
  2. “A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain” (by Peter Gerhard)
  3. “Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico” (edited by Alan R. Sandstrom and E. Huge Garcia Valencia)  

The Olmecs

The Olmecs occupied the coastal plains in the present-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco (southeast of Veracruz) from about 1000 B.C. to 300 B.C. Several Olmec sites have been found in Veracruz, including San Lorenzo and Tres Zapotes. These settlements were probably the most complex “ceremonial sites” found in all of Mesoamerica at the time of their apogee. For this reason, many anthropologists consider the Olmec civilization to be the “cultura madre” (mother culture) of the many Mesoamerican cultures that followed it.  

Pyramidal mounds have been found in many of the Olmec settlements. It is believed that the Olmec economy centered around agricultural production on the fertile floodplains, and was supplemented by fishing and shell fishing. However, by 300 B.C., the Olmec culture was eclipsed by other emerging civilizations in Mesoamerica.

The Tepehua

Carlos Guadalupe Heéras Rodriguez, in his chapter “The Tepehua” (in Alan R. Sandstrom & E. Hugo Garcia Valencia (editors), “Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico”) notes that “The Tepehua are an ethnolinguistic group… that, in comparison to other groups… has received relatively little attention of researchers.” The Tepehua inhabited the northern section of the state of Veracruz and the northeast part of the State of Hidalgo, as well as some localities in the municipio of Pantepec in the State of Puebla.

In Veracruz, the Tepehua call themselves “Kenanka masipithni” (We are Tepehua), which, according to Roberto Williams Garcia, is derived from “hamasipini” (“owners of hills” or “one who lives on the hill”)” The word Tepehua was given to them by the Nahua and carries the same meaning. The Tepehua religion retains beliefs and practices that are rooted in their pre-Hispanic past. It is believed that the remoteness of Tepehua territory played some role in the failure of evangelists to convert the Tepehua during the colonial era. The Tepehua of the present day era are primarily engaged in agriculture.  They cultivate maize, frijol, mountain Chile, tomato, lentil, onion garlic and sesame.  

There are three variants of the Tepehua language, which belongs to the Mayan-Totonaco language group. Forty centuries ago, according to Anzaldo Figueroa (2000), the ancient Maya language was spoken throughout the Gulf Coast region. Tepehua is one of the languages that derived from the ancient Maya, separating from the Totonac language at least 26 centuries ago.  

The Mazatec Indians

The Mazatec call themselves “ha shuta enima,” which in their language means “we workers from the hills, humble, people of custom.” Around the year 890 A.D., the Nonoalcas arrived in the region; their capital city, called Matza-apatl or Mazatlán, gave them the name of “Mazatec,” which in Náhuatl means "people of the deer".


The Mazatec today inhabit the northern part of the state of Oaxaca, but some Mazatecos also live in the southern part of Veracruz. Their territory includes two well differentiated regions, both in terms of the environment and culture: the highlands, on the slopes of the Eastern Sierra Madre, at altitudes between 1,200 and 2,500 meters above sea level and the lowlands, located in what is known as the Papaloapan Basin. 

The Totonac (Totonaque) Indians

By the time, the Spaniards arrived on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in 1519, the Totonac Indians occupied a province known as Totonacapan, which stretched through the north central part of Veracruz and the Sierra Norte of Puebla. Occupying some fifty towns and boasting a population of a quarter million people, the Totonacs spoke four primary dialects. Their capital, Cempoala, located five miles inland from the present city of Vera Cruz, had a population of about 25,000.  

There is little agreement about the origin of the word Totonac, but Bernardino de Sahagún – a Franciscan friar and ethnographer – learned that the Mexica called the provinces where the Totonacs lived “totonacatlalli” – which means “land of heat.” And Totonac means “tierracalenteño,” or “inhabitant of the hot lands.” Other sources claim that the Mexica used the term “totonaco” in a derogatory context, referring to a people of “little ability or skill.”  

Both the Totonac and Tepehua languages form the Totonac linguistic family and are believed to be Macro-Mayan languages (i.e., showing similarity to the Mayan Linguistic Family). The Totonac language itself is divided into three primary dialects.  

Popoluca (Homshuk)

The Popoluca Indians inhabit the southeastern part of the state of Veracruz, not far from the border with Tabasco State. The Popoluca call themselves “Homshuk,” which means “God of Corn.” However, the word Popoluca originated in the Náhuatl language and was used to refer to foreign peoples (i.e., people who do not speak their language). Traditionally, the Popoluca have been engaged in agriculture and cultivate a wide variety of foods, including maíz, frijol and rice.  

The Popoluca language corresponds to the Zoque-Mixe branch of the Macro-Maya Linguistic Family (distantly related to the Mayan language). Today, the Popoluca language is divided into four dialects. Linguistic analysis has determined that the Popoluca probably settled in southern Veracruz approximately fourteen centuries ago.  

The Otomí (The Sierra Nahñu)

The Otomí (who call themselves Nahñu, or Hñahñu) belong to the seventh most common language group in Mexico and presently occupy portions of the states of Hidalgo, México, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Querétaro and Michoacán. Within the State of Veracruz, Otomí is also the seventh most commonly-spoken language.

Nahñu belongs to the Otopamean language family, a subfamily of the very large Otomanguean Linguistic Group. However, linguistic studies indicate that the Otomí split from the ancestral Otomanguean about 6,500 years ago.

 Conquest by the Aztecs

During the Fifteenth Century and the early years of the Sixteenth Century, the mighty Aztec Empire, ruled by the Mexica Indians from their capital city Tenochtitlán (now Mexico City), began a concerted effort to subdue and incorporate the rich eastern coastal areas into their domain. After their conquest by the Mexica ruler Axayácatl in 1480, the Totonacs were incorporated into the Aztec provinces of Cempoallan, Misantla and Xalapa. These areas, with an abundance of water and fertile land, were richly endowed with a wide array of vegetation and crops, including cedars, fruits, cotton, cacao, maize, beans, and squashes. In pre-Hispanic times, cotton was a very significant crop, which the Totonacs used to make cotton armor. As tribute to their Aztec masters, the Totonacs sent cloth, clothing, maize, foodstuffs, honey and wax to Tenochtitlán.

The province of Cempoallan, and its associated Totonac towns and fortifications, could mobilize up to 50,000 warriors at a time. The natives of Cempoallan, incited by the neighboring Tlaxcalans (who remained an independent enclave within the Aztec Empire), continuously rebelled against the Mexica. Even the last Mexica emperor Moctezuma II spent the early years of his reign leading campaigns against the Indians of Veracruz.

The Aztec Province of Xalapa (Jalapa), also inhabited by Totonac Indians, was only added to the Mexica domain by Moctezuma II in the years immediately preceding the Spanish contact. Jalapa stood along a major route between the coast and Tenochtitlán and was rich agricultural territory, with maize and chilies as its prominent crops.

Totonac was the prominent language in the northern half of Xalapa, while Náhuatl was spoken in the south. When Cortés arrived on the east coast in 1519, he used the inland route through Xalapa to move inland. The city of Jalapa has been the capital of Veracruz since 1824.

The Spaniards and the Totonacs

The Totonacs were the first natives whom Captain Hernán Cortés met upon his landing on the Gulf Coast near present-day Veracruz. Being compelled by the Mexica to the payment of a heavy tribute, including the frequent seizure of their people for slaves or for sacrifice in the bloody Aztec rites, the Totonac were ripe for revolt, and their king, Tlacochcalcatl, eagerly welcomed Cortés and promised the support of his fifty thousand warriors against Emperor Moctezuma and the Aztec Empire. The Spaniards helped the Totonacs to expel Moctezuma's tribute-collectors in Totonacapan who apparently fled to a Mexica garrison at Tizapancingo, about twenty miles to the southwest. With a full force of Spaniards, 16 horses, and Totonacs, Cortés seized control of Tizapancingo.

The Founding of La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (1519)

In June 1519, the Totonacs helped Cortés and the Spaniards in the founding of “La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz” (The Rich Town of the True Cross) on the site of the present-day port of Veracruz. Veracruz thus became the first city founded by the Spaniards on the North American continent. Even today, Veracruz remains as one of the most important commercial and industrial centers of Mexico.

In the subsequent events, culminating in the taking of the city of Tenochtitlán and the downfall of the Aztec Empire in August 1521, the Totonac took an active part in the campaign as allies of the Spaniards and the Tlaxcalans. In addition to giving ready allegiance to Spaniards, they embraced the Roman Catholic faith of the Europeans. As early as 1523, the Franciscans first started working among the Totonac people of the highlands. The Augustinians arrived a decade later to proselytize the Totonacs along the border region of Hidalgo, Puebla, and Veracruz.

H.R. Harvey and Isabel Kelly, the authors of “The Totonac” in the “Handbook of Middle American Indians,” write that “In the large areas where Totonac speech has survived to the present, there was little to attract the Spaniard. Transportation and communication were difficult; Also, Totonacapan largely lacked the mineral resources so attractive to the Spaniards. Thus, until relatively recent years, much of Totonacapan has remained intact and isolated, and many forms of native Totonac culture have survived.”

Today, the Totonacs of Puebla and Veracruz, numbering about 100,000, are industrious farmers. Their chief crop is sugar cane, from which they manufacture sugar in their own mills. Dancing and festivals are important elements of their culture. Although some of their festivals retain elements of their ancient sacrificial rites, most of the Totonacs are Roman Catholic today.  

The Huastecos (Teenek)

The Huasteco Indians, who speak a form of the Mayan language, presently occupy 55 municipios in the modern-day states of Veracruz, San Luis Potosí and Hidalgo, as well as smaller sections of southern Tamaulipas and eastern Querétaro. It is believed that they were isolated from the rest of the Maya and evolved separately and may have arrived in the area as early as 200 A.D.

Under Aztec rule, the Huastecos inhabited two Aztec provinces, Atlan and Tochpan. Atlan Province, located in the area of the present-day towns of Metlaltoyuca and Pantepec, was occupied by Huastecos, Tepehuán, Otomíes and Totonacs. This region was an important cotton-growing region, and the Huastecos of this province were forced to pay tribute to the Mexica in the form of skins, paper, cotton and blankets. However, when the Spaniards arrived in their territory, the Huastecos did not cooperate with them as the neighboring Tlaxcalans and Totonacs did. In 1520, the Huastecos wiped out a small Spanish settlement that had been set up in their territory.

Once he had taken control of Tenochtitlán in August 1521, Cortés marched toward Huasteco territory with a large force of Spaniards and Mexica allies, intent on subduing them. After meeting with considerable resistance, Cortés defeated the Huastecos and founded the Villa de San Esteban in 1522. However, revolts by the Huastecos in October-December 1523 and 1525-26 were put down with great cruelty. In spite of their battles with both the Mexica and the Spaniards, the Huastecos continue to survive today, maintaining many aspects of their traditional culture and language. Huastecan music and dancing have influenced the musical folklore of Mexico.

The Huasteca region of northern Veracruz was originally named after the Huasteca people. This region is in the northern reaches of the Gulf of Mexico where the Sierra Madre mountain range meets the coastal plain of the Gulf. This is considered a rich agricultural region with an abundance of water from the riverine system flowing to the Gulf. The Huasteca consists of 55 municipios that are spread across Veracruz, Hidalgo and San Luis Potosí and boast a wide diversity of indigenous peoples (besides the Huastecos).

Tochtepec Province

Tochtepec was a large and sprawling Aztec province that extended from the Gulf Coast inland to the rugged eastern mountains. While the Náhuatl language of the Aztecs dominated Tochtepec, the Chinantec and Mazatec languages dominated the southwestern edge of the province. The Aztecs valued this province because it became a source of many highly valued resources, including cacao, cotton, precious feathers, gold, greenstones, and rubber, as well as several staple foodstuffs, fruits, and fish.

Cuetlaxtlan Province

The Aztec province of Cuetlaxtlan lay along Veracruz's broad coastal plain north of Tochtepec. Michael E. Smith and Frances F. Berdan, in their descriptions of the Aztec provinces, write that “Cuetlaxtlan was very frequently caught in the political machinations of the Mexica and Tlaxcalans. Upon abandonment by their Tlaxcalan allies, Cuetlaxtlan was conquered by Moctezuma Ilhuicamina.” However, the province was frequently in a state of rebellion against their Mexica overlords. Eventually, Emperor Axayácatl, who ruled from 1468 to 1481, reconquered the region and installed Aztec tribute collectors and garrisons.

The Nahuas of Veracruz

Náhuatl is the most spoken language in the Mexican Republic. More than 1.5 million people in Mexico speak Náhuatl, representing 23.1% of all indigenous speakers in the country. Náhuatl is also the most spoken language in Veracruz. As a matter of fact, Náhuatl speakers are scattered through several regions of Veracruz. The four primary regions in which Nahua speakers live are:


·       The Nahuas of Huasteca (the Huasteca region extends from northern Veracruz into eastern Hidalgo and southeastern San Luis Potosí). Today, an estimated 75% of the population of the Huasteca speaks Náhuatl, while the remainder speak Teenek or Huastec (22%), Otomí (2%) and Tepehua, Pame and Totonac.

·       The Nahuas of Totonacapan. Totonacapan extends through both Veracruz and the Sierra Norte de Puebla region of Puebla State. This interethnic area includes Náhuatl speakers, as well as Totonac, Tepehua and Otomí speakers.

·       The Nahuas of the Sierra de Zongolica. Situated in the Grandes Montañas of the west central region of Veracruz, this area is comprised of 12 municipios. The Náhuatl speakers in this area speak the Orizaba dialect. In 1991, speakers of the Orizaba dialect through all states numbered 120,000.

·       The Nahuas of Southern Veracruz: Náhuatl speakers inhabit some portions of the southern region of Veracruz, which is composed of lowland plains and volcanic hills and borders the western part of the State of Tabasco.


According to the studies of Guy Stresser-Péan, Jesus Vargas Ramírez and María del Refugio Cabrera, the Náhuatl speakers of the Huasteca did not arrive in the area at the time of the Aztec expansion and conquest. Instead, the Náhuatl movement into the area took place earlier in the Twelfth Century following the fall of Tula (as described by María Teresa Rodríguez López and Pablo Valderrama Rouy in “the Gulf Coast Nahua” in “Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico.”


The 1921 Mexican Census

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories. With a total state population of 1,159,935, the inhabitants of Veracruz were categorized according to the following racial classifications:

  • 406,638 persons (or 35.06%) claimed to be “indígena pura” (of pure indigenous background)
  • 556,472 persons (or 47.97%) classified themselves as being “indígena mezclada con blanca” (indigenous mixed with white)
  • 114,150 persons (or 9.84%) classified themselves as “blanca” (white).

It is worth noting that the classifications for the entire Mexican Republic were quite similar to the figures for Veracruz. Out of a total population of 14,334,780 in the Mexican Republic, 4,179,449 – or 29.2% – claimed to be of pure indigenous background, while 8,504,561 – or 59.3% – were of mixed origins.  The total number of people who classified themselves as blanca was only 1,404,718 – or 9.8% of the population – almost identical with the corresponding figure for Veracruz.

Indigenous Groups in the 2000 Census

According to the 2000 census, the population of persons five years and more who spoke indigenous languages in Veracruz amounted to 633,372 individuals, who represented 9.2% of the total state population.  These individuals spoke a wide range of languages, many of which are transplants from other parts of the Mexican Republic.  The largest indigenous groups represented in the state were:


·       Náhuatl (338,324 speakers)

·       Totonaco (119,957)

·       Huasteco (51,625)

·       Popoluca (36,999)

·       Zapoteco (20,678)

·       Chinanteco (19,285)

·       Otomí (17,584)

·       Mazateco (8,784).


Nahuas of Huasteca Veracruzana (Machehuale)

According to the 2000 census, Náhuatl was the most widely spoken language in Veracruz, accounting for 53.42% of all indigenous speakers in the state.  Almost one-third of these people lived in the Huasteca Meridional, an area in which a large number of Náhuatl speakers lived.  


In the 2000 census, the Totonaco Indians of Veracruz numbered 119,957 persons five years of age and older, representing 49.98% of all the Totonaco speakers in the Mexican Republic (240,034). Today, the Totonacos continue to live throughout the coastal plain of the state of Veracruz and in the adjacent mountain ranges of Puebla.

Haustecos (Teenek)

In the 2000 census, the speakers of the Huasteco language of Veracruz numbered 51,625 and represented the third largest language group in Veracruz. The Huastecos living in Veracruz represented 34.36% of the total Huasteco population of the Mexican Republic (150,257) in that year.  The Huastecas are also called Teenek, which means “Those who live in the fields.” The area occupied by the Huastecos today lies mainly in Eastern San Luis Potosí, Northern Veracruz and Northeastern Hidalgo. There are some smaller populations of Teenek in the states of Tamaulipas and Puebla.

The 2010 Census

At the time of the 2010 census, Náhuatl remained the most widely spoken language in Mexico with 1,544,968 persons five years of age and older speaking that tongue. Náhuatl speakers, in fact, represented 23.08% of the indigenous speakers 5 and older in the Mexican Republic. The 12 most spoken languages in Veracruz in the 2010 census are shown (as well as their percentage ranking within the Republic):  

  1. Náhuatl: 355,785 speakers (No. 1 language in Mexico)
  2. Totonaca: 120,810 speakers (No. 8 language in Mexico)
  3. Huasteco: 52,660 speakers (No. 10 language in Mexico)
  4. Popoluca: 40,796 speakers (No. 23 language in Mexico)
  5. Zapoteco: 20,678 speakers (No. 5 language group in Mexico)
  6. Chinanteca: 19,285 speakers (No. 12 language group in Mexico)
  7. Otomí: 17,584 speakers (No. 7 language group in Mexico)
  8. Mazateca: 8,784 speakers (No. 9 language in Mexico)
  9. Tepehua: 6,103 speakers (No. 36 language in Mexico)
  10. Mixteca: 3,535 speakers (No. 3 language group in Mexico)
  11. Zoque: 2,818 speakers (No. 18 language group in Mexico)
  12. Mixe: 2,358 speakers (No. 14 language group in Mexico)  

The Leading Indigenous States in 2010

In the 2010 census, the four Mexican states with the largest populations of indigenous speakers (by number) in the 2010 census were:

  1. Oaxaca – 1,165,186 indigenous speakers
  2. Chiapas – 1,141,499 indigenous speakers
  3. Veracruz – 644,559 indigenous speakers
  4. Puebla – 601,680 indigenous speakers

However, although Veracruz had the third largest population of indigenous speakers, it was ranked tenth among the Mexican states for the percentage of indigenous speakers (9.4%). This is easily explained by the fact that Veracruz has the third largest population in Mexico (after Distrito Federal and Estado de Mexico) and thus has a much larger population of both indigenous and non-indigenous people than most other states.

The 2010 census also included a question that asked people if they considered themselves indigenous, whether or not an indigenous language was spoken. Nearly one-fourth of the residents of Veracruz 3 years of age and older (19.9%) were classified as indigenous, ranking Veracruz ninth among the Mexican states.

Many languages in Mexico are in danger of gradual extinction as the children of indigenous speakers move to new locations in Mexico and fail to learn the languages of their parents. For the State of Veracruz, this may also be a factor, but the State and its people also feel great pride in their connection to their indigenous past. It is likely that some of the more concentrated indigenous-speaking communities of Veracruz will continue to carry on the legacy of their native ancestors and pass their languages down to future generations.  

Copyright © 2014 by John P. Schmal. All Rights Reserved.

Primary Sources:  

Alan R. Sandstrom and E. Hugo García Valencia (editors), “Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexcico” (Tucson: Arizona University Press, 2005).

Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI). Censos de Población y Vivienda, 2000 y 2010.

INEGI, Censo de Población y Vivienda (2010): “Panorama Sociodemográfico de México” (March 2011).

H. R. Harvey and Isabel Kelly, "The Totonac" in Evon Z. Vogt, “Handbook of Middle American Indians, Part Two, Vol. 8” (Austin: University of Texas, 1969), pp. 638-681.

Michael E. Smith and Frances F. Berdan, “Province Descriptions” in Frances F. Berdan et al., “Aztec Imperial Strategies” (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1996), pp. 265-349.

Peter Gerhard, “A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain” (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972).  

Scheffler, Lilián, “Grupos Indígenas de México” (México, 1985).  

Veracruz, “Análisis Social. Plan de Desarrollo para Pueblos Indígenas.” Online:






Veracruz: The Third Most Indigenous State of Mexico

By John P. Schmal


The State of Veracruz, located along the eastern Gulf Coast of the Mexican Republic, shares common borders with the states of Tamaulipas (to the north), Oaxaca and Chiapas (to the south), Tabasco (to the southeast), and Puebla, Hidalgo, and San Luis Potosí (on the west). Veracruz also shares about 430 miles (690 kilometers) of its eastern boundary with the Gulf of Mexico.


Politically divided into 212 municipios, Veracruz has an area of 71,826 square kilometers, representing 3.7% of Mexico’s national territory and making it the 11th largest Mexican state. In 2010, Veracruz had 8,112,505 inhabitants, making it the third largest Mexican state in terms of population. The capital of Veracruz is Xalapa-Enríquez, which had a population of 424,755 in 2010.


A Diverse Topography

Veracruz has a very diverse and rapidly changing topography, witnessing a rise from the tropical coastal plains to temperate valleys and thence to the highlands of the Eastern Sierra Madre Mountains. As a result, the state's climate is very assorted, evolving from cold, snow-topped mountain slopes that descend toward the warm western coastal areas. Pico de Orizaba (Citlaltépetl), inland from Veracruz, with an elevation of 18,491 feet above sea level, is the highest mountain in all of Mexico and the third highest in North America.


Abundant rainfall and extremely fertile soil in the coastal regions of Veracruz permit the cultivation of a wide range of crops. The state is a leading national producer of coffee, sugarcane, corn, and rice. From the tropical forests of the inland regions come dyewoods, hardwoods, and rubber. In the cooler regions in the west, one finds maguey, cactus and coniferous forests. However, the state's principal natural resource and dominant industry is oil. The mountains contain relatively unexploited deposits of gold, silver, iron, and coal.


The Ethnic and Linguistic Diversity of Veracruz

The State of Veracruz has been home to a wide range of indigenous cultures over the last three thousand years. But, even today, Veracruz continues to display a unique cross-section of both linguistic and ethnic cultures. In fact, in the 2010 census, Veracruz had the third largest population of people who spoke indigenous languages (after Oaxaca and Chiapas). Most of the State’s principal regions are still home to multiple ethnic and linguistic groups, as detailed below:


  • The Huasteca (Northern Veracruz, adjacent to Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí Hidalgo, and Puebla): Náhuatl, Otomí. Tepehua and Huasteco languages.
  • Sierra de Huayacocotla (Northwestern Veracruz adjacent to Hidalgo): Náhuatl, Otomí, Tepehua and Huasteco languages.
  • Totonicapán (North central Veracruz, adjacent to Puebla): Náhuatl and Totonaca languages.
  • Grandes Montañas (Central Veracruz adjacent to Puebla): Náhuatl, Totonaca, Popoluca and Mazateco languages.
  • Llanuras de Sotavento (Coastal and Southwestern Veracruz adjacent to Oaxaca): Chinanteco, Zapoteco, Popoluca, Náhuatl, Mazateco and Mixteco languages.
  • Tuxtlas Popoluca (Southeastern Veracruz): Náhuatl language.
  • Istmo Veracruzano — also known as Olmeca — (Southeastern Veracruz, adjacent to Tabasco and Oaxaca): Náhuatl, Zapoteco, Popoluca, Chinanteco, Totonaca, Zoque and Tzotzil languages.


Because Veracruz is such a narrow state, many of its indigenous groups inhabit territories that reach into neighboring states. It is important to remember that, while the borders of the State of Veracruz were the creation of political administrators two hundred years ago, the territories of its many ethnic groups were subject to social, geographic and topographic influences that are much older and date to pre-Hispanic times.


Research Guides

For the researcher seeking to learn the detailed history of the individual communities of Veracruz, the following works are recommended:


  1. "Aztec Imperial Strategies" (by Frances F. Berdan, Professor Michael E. Smith, and others)
  2. "A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain" (by Peter Gerhard)
  3. "Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico" (edited by Alan R. Sandstrom and E. Huge Garcia Valencia)


Early Veracruz
The Olmecs were probably one of the first Indian groups to occupy Veracruz. They occupied the coastal plains in the present-day states of Veracruz and Tabasco (southeast of Veracruz) sometime around 1000 to 300 B.C. Several Olmec sites have been found in Veracruz, including San Lorenzo and Tres Zapotes. These settlements were probably the most complex "ceremonial" sites found in all of Mesoamerica at the time of their apogee. For this reason, many anthropologists consider the Olmec civilization to be the cultura madre (mother culture) of the many Mesoamerican cultures that followed it. It is believed that the Olmec economy centered around agricultural production on the fertile floodplains, and was supplemented by fishing and shell fishing. However, by 300 B.C., the Olmec culture was eclipsed by other emerging civilizations in Mesoamerica.



By the time the Spaniards arrived on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in 1519, the Totonac Indians occupied some fifty towns in what is now central Veracruz. Boasting a population of a quarter million people, the Totonacs spoke four primary dialects. Their capital, Cempoala, located five miles inland from the present city of Vera Cruz, had a population of about 25,000.


The Aztec Conquest of Veracruz

During the Fifteenth Century and the early years of the Sixteenth Century, the mighty Aztec Empire, ruled by the Mexica Indians from their capital city Tenochtitlán, began a concerted effort to subdue and incorporate the rich coastal areas of the Gulf Coast into their domain. Eventually, Veracruz, along with portions of the neighboring states, would make up parts of seven Aztec provinces.


After their conquest by the Mexica ruler Axayácatl in 1480, the Totonacs were incorporated into the Aztec provinces of Cempoallan, Misantla and Xalapa (Jalapa). These areas, with an abundance of water and fertile land, were richly endowed with a wide array of vegetation and crops, including cedars, fruits, cotton, cacao, maize, beans, and squashes. In pre-Hispanic times, cotton was a very significant crop, which the Totonacs used to make cotton armor. As tribute to their Aztec masters, the Totonacs sent cloth, clothing, maize, foodstuffs, honey and wax to Tenochtitlán.


The province of Cempoallan, and its associated Totonac towns and fortifications, could mobilize up to 50,000 warriors at a time. The natives of Cempoallan, incited by the neighboring Tlaxcalans (who remained an independent enclave within the Aztec Empire), continuously rebelled against the Mexica. Even the last Mexica emperor Moctezuma II spent the early years of his reign leading campaigns against the Indians of Veracruz. (Moctezuma began his reign in 1502 and stayed in power until 1520).


The Aztec Province of Xalapa, also inhabited by Totonac Indians, was only added to the Mexica domain by Moctezuma II in the years preceding the Spanish contact. Jalapa stood along a major route between the coast and Tenochtitlán and was rich agricultural territory, with maize and chilies as its prominent crops. This route would become very significant with the arrival of the Spaniards in 1519. The city of Jalapa is now the capital of Veracruz.


Cortés Meets the Totonacs (1519)

The Totonacs were the first natives whom Captain Hernán Cortés met upon his landing on the Gulf Coast near present-day Veracruz in April 1519. Being compelled by the Mexica to the payment of a heavy tribute, including the frequent seizure of their people for slaves or for sacrifice in the bloody Aztec rites, the Totonac were ripe for revolt, and their king, Tlacochcalcatl, eagerly welcomed Cortés and promised the support of his fifty thousand warriors against Emperor Moctezuma and the Aztec Empire. Soon after, the Spaniards helped the Totonacs to expel Moctezuma's tribute-collectors.


In June 1519, the Totonacs helped the Spaniards in the founding of La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (The Rich Town of the True Cross) on the site of the present-day port of Veracruz. Veracruz thus became the first city founded by the Spaniards on the North American continent. Even today, Veracruz remains as one of the most important commercial and industrial centers of Mexico.


The Destruction of the Aztec Empire (1519-1521)

On August 16, 1519, Cortés assembled a massive army for an expedition inland. He had a force of at least 400 Spanish soldiers, 150 Cuban Indian servants, 1,300 Cempoalans and other Totonac warriors and seven pieces of artillery. They also had 15 horses, reserved exclusively for the captains of the army. The Spanish army was thus beefed up with more than a thousand native warriors and 200 porters, who dragged the cannon and carried supplies. The distance from Cempoala to Tenochtitlán is 250 miles, as the crow flies. After an extended campaign well-described in our history books, Cortés took control of Tenochtitlán in August 1521.


The Devolution of the Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire of 1519 had been the most powerful Mesoamerican kingdom of all time. The multi-ethnic, multi-lingual realm stretched for more than 80,000 square miles through many parts of what is now central and southern Mexico. Fifteen million people, living in thirty-eight provinces and residing in 489 communities, paid tribute to the Emperor Moctezuma II in Tenochtitlán. But, with the downfall of Moctezuma and his empire, most of the Aztec Empire was dismantled and devolved to the control of their Spaniards and their indigenous allies. This meant that most of what is now Veracruz became subject to the Spanish Empire.


The Totonac Benefit

The Totonacs had taken an active part in the campaign as allies of the Spaniards. In addition to giving ready allegiance to the Spaniards, they embraced the Roman Catholic faith of the Europeans. The region they occupied is now known as Totonicapán and includes parts of both Veracruz and Puebla. As early as 1523, the Franciscans first started working among the Totonac people of the highlands. The Augustinians arrived a decade later to proselytize the Totonacs along the border region of Hidalgo, Puebla, and Veracruz.


H.R. Harvey and Isabel Kelly, the authors of "The Totonac" in the "Handbook of Middle American Indians," write that "In the large areas where Totonac speech has survived to the present, there was little to attract the Spaniard. Transportation and communications were difficult." In addition, Totonicapán largely lacked the mineral resources that attracted the Spanish conquistadors to other areas of Mexico. For this reason, much of Totonicapán remained intact and isolated, and to this day, many forms of native Totonac culture have survived.


Today, the Totonacs of Puebla and Veracruz, numbering about 100,000, are industrious farmers. Their chief crop is sugar cane, from which they manufacture sugar in their own mills. Dancing and festivals are important elements of their culture. Although some of their festivals retain elements of their ancient sacrificial rites, most of the Totonacs are Roman Catholic today.


The Huasteco Indians (Teenek)

Although most of Veracruz easily came under Spanish control after the fall of Tenochtitlán, the Huasteco Indians, occupying the Aztec provinces of Atlan and Tochpan, remained defiant towards the conquerors. The Huastecos — also known as Teenek — represent the northernmost extension of the Mayan language family in Mexico. Several scholars have written about the separation of the Teenek from the rest of the Maya family, theorizing that the Huastecos probably arrived in the Veracruz region about 3,500 years ago, an area they shared with Nahua, Tepehua, and Otomí peoples by the time of the Spaniards’ arrival. The Huastecs were organized into small feudal states governed by rulers who had absolute authority over their subjects. Today the Hausteco presently occupy about 55 municipios in northern Veracruz, northern Puebla, eastern Hidalgo, southeastern San Luis Potosí, and southern Tamaulipas.


Conquest of the Huasteco Indians (1522-1526)

Like their Totonac neighbors, the Huastecos had been forced to pay tribute to the Mexica in the form of skins, paper, cotton and blankets. However, when the Spaniards arrived in their territory, the Huastecos did not cooperate with them as the neighboring Tlaxcalans and Totonacs had. In 1520, the Huastecos wiped out a small Spanish settlement that had been set up in their territory. Once he had taken control of Tenochtitlán in August 1521, Cortés marched toward Huasteco territory with a large force of Spaniards and Mexica allies. After meeting with considerable resistance, Cortés defeated the Huastecos and founded the Villa de San Esteban in 1522.


However, further revolts by the Huastecos in late 1523 and 1525-26 were put down with great cruelty. In spite of their battles with both the Mexica and the Spaniards, the Huastecos continue to survive today, maintaining many aspects of their traditional culture and language. Huastecan music and dancing have influenced the musical folklore of Mexico.


The Huasteca Region

The "Huasteca" is a huge and historically important region of northeastern Mexico once inhabited mainly by the Huastec Indians when their civilization was at its height in the Mesoamerican period. Today this topographically and climatically diverse area is considered a rich agricultural region with an abundance of water from the riverine systems flowing to the Gulf. Geographically it has been defined as the area running from the Sierra Madre Oriental to the Gulf of Mexico with the Sierra de Tamaulipas as the northern border and the Cazones River as its southern border. It extends over the south of Tamaulipas, the southeast of San Luis Potosí, the northeast of Querétaro and Hidalgo and the extreme north of Veracruz and Puebla, as well as a very small portion of Guanajuato. Although the Huastecos and Náhuatl still occupy some areas of the current Huasteca, mestizo populations extensively replaced them in many areas during the Spanish colonial period.


Southern Veracruz

Many scholars see southern Veracruz a distinctive region that has its own identity from the rest of the state. Southern Veracruz is mainly populated by two ethnic groups, the Popoluca and the Nahua (the language of the Aztecs), as well as some Zapotec, Zoque, Mixtecs and Mazatecs.


The Popoluca (Homshuk)

The Popoluca Indians inhabit the southeastern part of the state of Veracruz, not far from the border with Tabasco State. The Popoluca call themselves "Homshuk," which means "God of Corn." However, the word Popoluca originated in the Náhuatl language and was used to refer to foreign peoples (i.e., people who do not speak their language). All four Popoluca groups speak mutually unintelligible languages classified within the Mixe-Zoquean family and are culturally and linguistically similar to the Mixe and Zoque Indians of nearby Chiapas and Oaxaca. Traditionally, the Popoluca have been engaged in agriculture and cultivate a wide variety of foods, including maíz (corn), frijol (beans) and rice.


The Otomí (The Sierra Nahñu)

The Otomí (who call themselves Nahñu, or Hñahñu) belong to the seventh most common language group in Mexico and presently occupy portions of the states of Hidalgo, México, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Querétaro and Michoacán. The Otomí live in the northern part of Veracruz and, at one time, held a great deal of power and prestige throughout east central Mexico. However, the rise of the Aztec Empire caused a decline of the Otomíes during the Fourteenth Century. Nahñu belongs to the Otopamean language family, a subfamily of the very large Otomanguean Linguistic Group. (Most of the Oaxacan indigenous groups — including the Zapotecs and Mixtecs — belong to this language family.) However, linguistic studies indicate that the Otomí split from the ancestral Otomanguean about 6,500 years ago.


The Tepehua

The Tepehua Indians occupy two regions: a band stretching from Huehuetla in Hidalgo, northwestward through Tlachichilco in Veracruz, where the Tepehua are surrounded by Otomí and mestizo settlements; and a U-shaped area at lower elevations to the northeast of Pantepec, Veracruz, where they are surrounded by Totonac and Otomí settlements. These regions are at the southern boundary of the Huasteca Region. The name "Tepehua" may be derived from either of the Nahua words tepetl (mountain) or ueialtepetl (town dweller). The Tepehua religion retains beliefs and practices that are rooted in their pre-Hispanic past. It is believed that the remoteness of Tepehua territory played some role in the failure of evangelists to convert the Tepehua during the colonial era. The Tepehua of the present day era are primarily engaged in agriculture. They cultivate maíz, frijol, mountain Chile, tomato, lentil, onion garlic and sesame.


The Nahuas of Veracruz

Náhuatl is the most spoken language in the Mexican Republic. Some Nahua languages in Veracruz and adjacent states are mutually unintelligible because of successive migrations of people from different cultures over a period of many centuries. According to some studies, the earliest Nahua speakers arrived in the area around the Twelfth Century, following the fall of Tula. In addition, Náhuatl was the language of the Aztec conquerors who dominated the area for the several decades before the arrival of the Spaniards. As a result, the Nahua speakers of Veracruz actually consist of four separate groups living in different regions of the state:


  • The Nahuas of Huasteca (the Huasteca region extends from northern Veracruz into eastern Hidalgo and southeastern San Luis Potosí).
  • The Nahuas of Totonicapán. Totonicapán extends through both Veracruz and the Sierra Norte de Puebla region of Puebla State. This interethnic area includes Náhuatl speakers, as well as Totonac, Tepehua and Otomí speakers.
  • The Nahuas of the Sierra de Zongolica. Situated in the Grandes Montañas of the west central region of Veracruz, this area is comprised of 12 municipios. The Náhuatl speakers in this area speak the Orizaba dialect. In 1991, speakers of the Orizaba dialect through all states numbered 120,000.
  • The Nahuas of Southern Veracruz: Náhuatl speakers inhabit some portions of the southern region of Veracruz, which is composed of lowland plains and volcanic hills and borders the western part of the State of Tabasco.


Colonial Period

During the long colonial period, the port of Veracruz, as Mexico's main port of entry, has been a contested prize for both Mexican generals and alien invaders. It was through this port that thousands of African slaves were brought en route to destinations at various locations in colonial Mexico. During the Seventeenth and Eighteen Centuries, the port was easy prey for buccaneers who wreaked havoc throughout the Caribbean. As the first city founded by the Spaniards in Mexico, it was also their last stronghold before their expulsion in 1821.


Independence (1822)

On May 19, 1822, General Agustin Iturbide had been declared the Emperor of Mexico. However, his reign quickly met with resistance and, in August 1822, Iturbide took action against all the opposition. It was in Veracruz on December 1, 1822, when the commander of the garrison, Antonio López de Santa Anna Pérez de Lebrón, rose against Iturbide and proclaimed a republic. Santa Anna would eventually serve nine terms as President of the Mexican Republic. In 1838, the French Navy blockaded Veracruz during the "Pastry War" of that year. In 1847, during the Mexican-American War, General Winfield Scott led American troops in a landing at Veracruz.


The 1895 Census

In 1895, 178,290 persons five years of age or more in the State of Veracruz spoke an indigenous language. With a total state population of 866,355 persons, the speakers of indigenous languages represented more than one-fifth of the population. Among the many indigenous languages spoken in Veracruz in 1895, the most common tongues were:


  • Náhuatl (Mexica): 107,053 individuals
  • Totonaco: 30,500 individuals
  • Huastecos: 23,236 individuals


The 1921 Mexican Census (Racial Categories)

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including "indígena pura" (pure indigenous), "indígena mezclada con blanca" (indigenous mixed with white) and "blanca" (white). Out of a total state population of 1,159,935, 406,638 persons (or 35.06%) claimed to be of pure indigenous background. Another 556,472 – or 47.97% – classified themselves as being mixed, while 114,150 (9.84%) claimed to be white.


Indigenous Veracruz in 2000

According to the 2000 census, the population of persons five years and more who spoke indigenous languages in Veracruz amounted to 633,372 individuals, who represented 9.17% of the population. These individuals spoke a wide range of languages, some of which are transplants from other parts of the Mexican Republic. The largest indigenous groups represented in the state in 2000 were:


  • Náhuatl (338,324 speakers)
  • Totonaco (119,957)
  • Huasteco (51,625)
  • Popoluca (36,999)
  • Zapoteco (20,678)
  • Chinanteco (19,285)
  • Otomí (17,584)
  • Mazateco (8,784).


The Leading Indigenous States in 2010

In the 2010 census, the four Mexican states with the largest populations of indigenous speakers (by number) in the 2010 census were:


  1. Oaxaca – 1,165,186 indigenous speakers six years of age or older
  2. Chiapas – 1,141,499 indigenous speakers six years of age or older
  3. Veracruz – 644,559 indigenous speakers six years of age or older
  4. Puebla – 601,680 indigenous speakers six years of age or older


However, although Veracruz had the third largest population of indigenous speakers, it was ranked tenth among the Mexican states for the percentage of indigenous speakers (9.4%). This is easily explained by the fact that Veracruz has the third largest population in Mexico (after Distrito Federal and Estado de Mexico) and thus has a much larger population of both indigenous and non-indigenous people than most other states.


One-Quarter of Veracruz Considered Indigenous (2010)

The 2010 census also included a question that asked people if they considered themselves indigenous, whether or not an indigenous language was spoken. Nearly one-fourth of the residents of Veracruz 3 years of age and older (19.9%) were classified as indigenous, ranking Veracruz ninth among the Mexican states.


Indigenous Languages Spoken in Veracruz in 2010

More than half of Veracruz’s 662,760 indigenous speakers 3 years and older in the 2010 census were Náhuatl speakers, as noted in the following table:


  1. Náhuatl (355,785 speakers — 53.7% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  2. Totonaca (120,810 speakers — 18.2% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  3. Huasteco (52,660 speakers — 7.9% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  4. Popoluca (40,796 speakers — 6.2% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  5. Otomí (18,078 speakers — 2.7% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  6. Chinanteco (17,875 speakers — 2.7% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  7. Zapoteco (16,987 speakers — 2.6% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  8. Mazateco (9,442 speakers — 1.4% of the indigenous-speaking population)
  9. Tepehua (5,605 speakers — 0.8% of the indigenous-speaking population)


The Afromexican Population

In 2016, the Mexican government agency, Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI), published the 2015 Intercensal Survey, which upgraded Mexico’s socio-demographic information to the midpoint between the 2010 census and the census to be carried out in 2020. One of the survey questions asked each resident if, according to their culture, history and traditions, they considered themselves to be black (i.e., an Afromexican or Afro-descendant).


The survey revealed that only three Mexican states had Afromexican populations that exceeded 3.0%, as illustrated below:


  1. Guerrero (6.5%)
  2. Oaxaca (4.9%)
  3. Veracruz (3.3%)


Many of the African slaves sent to colonial Mexico between the Sixteenth and Nineteenth centuries arrived in the Port of Veracruz, which also had a larger number of slaves than other areas of Mexico. However, eventually, assimilation with Spaniards, mestizos and Indians over time reduced their cultural influence on present-day populations in Mexico.


The Veracruz Economy in 2016

Today, the state of Veracruz, rich in natural resources, is an important component of Mexico's economy. In 2016, Veracruz was the sixth largest economy in Mexico and offered its investors many competitive advantages because of its climate diversity, land relief, geographic location and proven energy potential. Approximately 35% of Mexico's water supply is found in Veracruz. In addition, the state has four deep-water ports and two international airports.


As of 2016, Veracruz had 3.1 million workers, of which one-quarter (25.2%) were engaged in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. As a matter of fact, 11.1% of Mexico’s agricultural workers live and work in the state of Veracruz. The area around Jalapa, the capital, is one of Mexico's major coffee-growing areas while the central part of the state is characterized by a traditional agricultural development.


The manufacturing industry in Veracruz accounts for almost 17% of the state's gross domestic product. The northern part of Veracruz is a major oil producer, while the rest of the state's production includes metal products, food, beverage production, printing and publishing, non-electric machinery and equipment industries.


The port of Veracruz, with its attractive climate, cuisine, and archaeological sites, is a favorite seaside resort for Mexican and foreign tourists. Veracruz has a very advantageous location along the Gulf of Mexico. It is a favored port for exports to the United States, Latin America, and Europe. Seventy-five percent of all port activity in Mexico takes place in Veracruz. The chief exports of this state are coffee, fresh fruits, fertilizers, sugar, fish and crustaceans. Veracruz has always been and remains an important and essential state to the Mexican Republic. Its rich mineral resources and strategic location have guaranteed that, in the worst of times, Veracruz is likely to prosper and carry on.


Copyright © 2018 by John P. Schmal. All Rights Reserved.



Carrasco, David (ed.), "The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, Volume 2 (Oxford University Press, 2001).


Foster, George M., "The Mixe, Zoque, Popoluca." In Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), "Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 7, Ethnology, Part One," (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp. 448-477.


Gerhard, Peter, "A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain" (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972).


Harvey, H. R. and Isabel Kelly, "The Totonac" in Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), "Handbook of Middle American Indians, Part Two, Vol. 8" (Austin: University of Texas, 1969).


Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). "Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010: Tabulados del Cuestionario Básico: Población de 3 años y más que habla lengua indígena por entidad federativa y lengua."


INEGI, "Principales resultados de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015. Estado Unidos Mexicanos: III: Etnicidad." Online:



Manrique C, Leonardo, "The Otomí." In Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), "Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 8, Ethnology, Part Two," (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp. 682-722.


Sandstrom, Alan R. and E. Hugo García Valencia (editors), "Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico" (Tucson: Arizona University Press, 2005).


Secretaríat de Economía, ProMéxico Trade and Investment: Veracruz. Online:



Smith, Michael E. and Frances F. Berdan, "Province Descriptions" in Frances F. Berdan et al., "Aztec Imperial Strategies" (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1996), pp. 265-349.


Wilkerson, J. "The Ethnogenesis of the Huasteca and Totonacs" (1972: PHD Dissertation, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Tulane University).






Indigenous Tamaulipas

By John P. Schmal


The state of Tamaulipas is located in the northeastern portion of the Mexican Republic.  It shares common borders with the Mexican States of Nuevo León (to the west), San Luis Potosí (to the southwest) and Veracruz (to the south). It also shares its northern boundary with the American state of Texas.  On the east, Tamaulipas also has a 458-kilometer long coastline along the Gulf of Mexico.  

With a total of 80,249 square kilometers, Tamaulipas is divided into 43 municipios and occupies 4.1% of the national territory.  However, Tamaulipas’ 3,268,554 inhabitants make up only 2.9% of the national population of the Mexican Republic. The capital of Tamaulipas is Ciudad Victoria. The northern, central, eastern and southeastern regions of Tamaulipas mainly consist of hills and coastal plains that expand westward into the Sierra Madre Oriental. Only the western and southwestern regions of the State include the high mountains of the Sierra Madre Oriental.  

Origin of the Name

There are several theories about the origins of the name Tamaulipas, the most accepted of which states that Tamaulipas means “high mountain.” The name is believed to derive from the Huasteca word, “Tamaholipa.” Tam means “in” or “the place of.”  While some say that Tamaulipas means “the place of high mountains,” others historians believe it means “the place where people pray a lot.”  

The investigator Gabriel Saldívar y Silva theorized in his “Los Indios de Tamaulipas” (Institute de Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia Publication No. 70: Distrito Federal, 1943) that the indigenous peoples of Tamaulipas represented an Eastern branch of Paleo-Americans that had probably arrived in the region from New Mexico, Coahuila and Texas.  

Conquest of the Huastecas

The first Spanish expedition to reach Tamaulipas was led by Hernández de Córdoba and Juan Grijalva (1518).  A few years later, after taking control of Tenochtitlán (Mexico City) and the Aztec Empire in August 1521, the Conquistador Hernán Cortés marched toward Huasteco territory on the Gulf Coast with a large force of Spaniards and Mexica auxiliaries. The Huasteco Indians, who speak a form of the Mayan language, today occupy 55 municipios in the modern-day states of Veracruz, San Luis Potosí and Hidalgo, as well as smaller regions of southern Tamaulipas and Querétaro. It is believed that they were isolated from the rest of the Maya and evolved separately and may have arrived in the area as early as 200 A.D. Under Aztec rule, the Huastecos occupied two Aztec provinces, Atlan and Tochpan.

After meeting with considerable resistance, Cortés defeated the Huastecos and founded the Villa de San Esteban in 1522. However, subsequent revolts by the Huastecos in October-December 1523 and 1525-26 were put down with great cruelty. In spite of their battles with both the Mexica and the Spaniards, the Huastecos continue to survive today, maintaining many aspects of their traditional culture and language. In fact, Huastecan music and dancing have influenced the musical folklore of Mexico.

After the conquest of the Huastecas, the Spaniards explored the Tamaulipas coastline up to the Rio Grande during the late 1520s. Then, in 1530, Franciscan missionaries began their work in the southern area of Tamaulipas, creating the first mission for the Huastecan and Pame Indians. In the decades that followed, Spanish slaving parties ranged northward into what they called “Chichimec” territory in an attempt to find natives for the profitable trade in Indian slaves. The slaving activity reached a crescendo in the 1580s and was continued later in a disguised form under the system of “congregas” by which entire rancherías were rounded up and transported to Nuevo Leon.  

However, native attacks eventually pushed the Spaniards back to the Tamesí River in southern Tamaulipas. For the next century-and-a-half, the Spanish authorities became more focused on subduing other areas of Mexico and paid little attention to most of this area. Not until 1747 did extensive European colonization begin with the founding of the “Nuevo Santander” colony.  

The Seno Mexicano

By the end of the Sixteenth Century, Spanish settlement was moving northward along the western slope of the Sierra Madre Oriental toward the Rio Grande River that today represents the border between Texas and Tamaulipas. The Spanish movement became even more targeted in the early Seventeenth Century when Spain recognized that the French advance down the Mississippi River represented a threat to its colonial empire. This prompted the Spaniards to establish missions and presidios in east Texas in 1716. Two years later, the mission of San Antonio de Valero (later known as “The Alamo”), was established.  

However, according to Hubert J. Miller, in “Jose de Escandon: Colonizer of Nuevo Santander” (1980), the Spanish advance into Texas bypassed the area called the “Seno Mexicano,” which extended from the Pánuco River at Tampico to the Nueces River in Texas. Inland, it stretched to the Sierra Madre Oriental, a distance that ranged between 100 and 150 miles. This region encompassed nearly all of present-day Tamaulipas and the southern triangle of Texas below the Nueces River.  

Indigenous Groups in the Seno Mexicano

According to Miller, there were an estimated 80 Indian tribes that occupied the Seno Mexicano prior to the arrival of the Spanish colonists in the mid-Eighteenth Century (the Nuevo Santander settlement). Studies indicate that some thirty dialects were spoken, many of them closely related to one another and probably originating from a trunk language. The more advanced tribes tended to live in communities consisting of four to five hundred persons.  

Early observers noted that these small tribal groups appeared to be at war with each other a great deal and had minimal contact with native groups outside of their immediate areas. Most of their languages have been lost to history. The primary sources of information available about these Tamaulipas indigenous groups are:  

·       Gabriel Saldivar, “Los Indios de Tamaulipas” (Mexico City: Pan American Institute of Geography and History, 1943).

·       J. R. Swanton, “Linguistic Material from the Tribes of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico” (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1940).

·       Rudolph C. Troike, "Notes on Coahuiltecan Ethnography," Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 32 (1962).

·       Campbell, Thomas N. “Coahuiltecans and Their Neighbors,” in Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 10 (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1983).  

According to Saldivar, when the Spaniards arrived, they found four cultures in the area of present-day Tamaulipas. Each of the four groups are discussed below.  

Grupos del Norte (the Coahuiltecans)

The Groups of the North were primitive, nomadic groups that lived mainly in the area between the Purificación and Bravo Rivers (The Río Bravo is known as the Rio Grande to Americans today). These numerous small northern Tamaulipas tribes appeared to speak closely-related languages and shared the same basic culture. Because the Spaniards did not initially take an interest in describing individual native groups or classifying them into ethnic and linguistic groups, major dialectic and cultural contrasts went unclassified for a long time.  

The first attempt at classification was based on language, and came after most of the Indian groups had already gone extinct (or assimilated). Eventually, scholars constructed the so-called "Coahuiltecan culture" by assembling bits of specific and generalized information recorded by Spaniards from widely scattered parts of the region.  

Today, we recognize that the Coahuiltecans were made up of hundreds of small, autonomous, distinctively named Indian groups that lived by hunting, gathering and fishing. It was their practice to move from one traditional campsite to another, following herds of migrating animals and tracking seasonal changes. The Coahuiltecans were tattooed and wore a breechcloth or hide skirt, fiber sandals, and, in bad weather, they covered themselves with animal hides. Animal teeth, bones, feathers, stones, and seeds were worn as jewelry and sometimes woven into their intricately braided hair. Shelter consisted of small temporary huts of brush or grass, sensible structures given their way of life and the climate of the area over which they ranged.  

The Coahuiltecans ranged through a large area that included most of present-day Coahuila, Nuevo León, northern Tamaulipas and southern Texas (north to San Antonio River). A large number of the small tribal groups or bands belonging to the Coahuiltecan stock remain unknown to this day and even their locations – in many cases – is not clear.  

A more detailed discussion of the Coahuiltecan Indians can be accessed at the following link:  


Grupos de la Sierra Madre (i.e., Janambres, Pizones, Pames, Anacah)

The Groups of the Sierra Madre – such as the Pizones and Janambres – were semi-sedentary groups who occupied caves and projections within the mountains. They lived by hunting and practiced a very rudimentary form of agriculture. The groups of the Sierra Madre were very belligerent and initially opposed the Spanish incursions, but eventually were assimilated.  

Grupos de Tamaulipas (i.e., Contetunas, Tagualilos, Maguagues, Caramiguay)

The Tamaulipas groups included some sedentary peoples who were dedicated to agriculture, with well-structured religious practices. The Tamaulipec groups were mainly small tribes that occupied the central and southeastern parts of the present-day state. Today, it is believed that the so-called Tamaulipecan family was related the Coahulitecans. Through their Coahuiltecan ties, it is believed that the Tamaulipecs were part of the Hokan language group, but very few fragments of their languages survive today. However, Miller notes that “there is evidence that some of their words may still be present in the language of the Mexican American people in the south Texas area.” It is likely that the Tamaulipecs also have some connection to the Karankawan and Tonkawan groups to the north of them (in Texas).  

Grupo de Hauxteco (Huastecos)

The fourth Tamaulipas group, the Huastecas – discussed in more detail earlier – were a more advanced group that extended through much of Veracruz and merely occupied the southern portion of the present-day State of Tamaulipas. Miller referred to the Huastecas as “the cultural heirs of the Olmec civilization.” The Huasteca cultivated cotton (which they supplied to the Aztec Empire), maintained trade with other indigenous groups to the west, built artificial terraces and raised domesticated animals.  

A list of some of the Coahuiltecan and Tamaulipecan groups and their locations is shown below:  

  • The Anachiguaies were located around Escandón.
  • The Apostatas were in the vicinity of Burgos.
  • The Aracanaes were found near Altamira.
  • The Atanaguaypacam were a Coahuiltecan group that lived on the Gulf Coast near the mouth of the Rio Grande. In the middle Eighteenth Century their settlements were reported to be along the shores of the numerous small bays and islands near the mouth of the Rio Grande.
  • The Borrados occupied the area near Dolores.
  • The Cacalotes inhabited the area around Mier.
  • The Cadimas occupied the area about Guemes.
  • The Camaleones lived near Santillán.
  • The Carrizos lived around Camargo.
  • The Comecamotes lived near Soto la Marina.
  • The Comecrudo – known to the Spaniards as “raw meat eaters,” were a Coahuiltecan people who lived along the south bank of the Rio Grande near Reynosa and hunted and gathered wild plant foods on both sides of the river. At times the Comecrudo Indians were also referred to as Carrizo, a Spanish name applied to many Coahuiltecan groups along the Rio Grande below Laredo. In 1886 the ethnologist A. S. Gatschet found a few elderly Comecrudo near Reynosa who could still speak their native language. Gatschet's Comecrudo vocabulary and texts helped to establish the linguistic affiliations of many Indian groups of southern Texas and northeastern Mexico.
  • The Inocoplo – also known as Barroso, Mesquite, Mulato, Serrano and Sincoalne, originally lived in along the Purificacion River near Hoyos in Central Tamaulipas. However, when their area was brought under Spanish control during the second half of the Eighteenth Century, the Inocoplos moved northward. Some of them entered the San Antonio de Valero Mission of San Antonio in 1784-85 under the names Gincape (Inocoplo) and Mulato.
  • Cuero Quemado (Spanish for “burnt skin”) was applied to a Coahuiltecan-speaking band that ranged both sides of the lower Rio Grande during the second half of the Eighteenth century. Cuero Quemado may have been a local Spanish name for a downstream group of Tepemaca Indians, who occupied the Rio Grande valley in the area between Laredo and Rio Grande City.
  • The Cotoname (also known as Catanamepaque, Cotomane, Cotonan) lived on both sides of the Rio Grande below the sites of Camargo and future Rio Grande City, where they were sometimes called Carrizo, a Spanish name applied to many Coahuiltecan groups along the Rio Grande below Laredo. In 1886 a few Cotoname Indians were still living at La Noria Ranch in southern Hidalgo County and at Las Prietas in northern Tamaulipas.
  • The Cootajanam (Cootajan), apparently a Coahuiltecan group, reportedly had settlements on the north bank of the Lower Rio Grande in the area of present-day Cameron and Hidalgo counties.
  • The Concuguyapem (Couguyapem), apparently a Coahuiltecan group, lived on the north bank of the Rio Grande between present Zapata and Rio Grande City.
  • The Lugplapiagulam (Hueplapiagulam) lived along the lower Rio Grande in the area between present Rio Grande City and the mouth of the river. Their name is said to mean “ground chili pepper.” The maps of Jiménez Moreno and G. Saldivar place this group in the area of present Zapata County.
  • The Mariguanes lived near Horcasitas in Southern Tamaulipas.
  • The Masacuajulam (Imasacuajulam) lived along the lower Rio Grande somewhere between present-day Zapata and the mouth of the river in the middle Eighteenth Century. Their name is said to mean “those who travel alone.”
  • The Mayapem (Mallopeme) – a Coahuiltecan tribe – ranged on both sides of the Rio Grande in southern Texas and northern Tamaulipas during the Eighteenth Century. In the latter half of that century they entered missions on the south bank of the River: San Agustín de Laredo at Camargo and San Joaquín del Monte near Reynosa.
  • The Parampamatuju (Parammatugu) lived along the Rio Grande between Camargo, Tamaulipas and the mouth of the River. The maps of Jiménez Moreno and Saldivar place the Parampamatujus on the north bank of the Rio Grande in modern Hidalgo County. The name is said to mean “men who are painted bright red.”
  • The Perpepug lived below the present Rio Grande City along the Lower Rio Grande. The maps of Jiménez Moreno and Saldivar show them on the north bank of the river in what is now Zapata County. The name is said to mean "white heads," which suggests some distinctive form of head decoration, perhaps painting or a special kind of head dress.
  • The Perpacug (Pexpacux) may havge lived on the north bank of the Rio Grande near the Gulf Coast, probably in what is now Starr County.
  • The Peupuetem (Peupuepuem) probably lived on the north bank of the Lower Rio Grande in the middle Eighteenth Century, somewhere in the area present-day Cameron and Hidalgo counties. The name is said to mean "those who speak differently."
  • The Pinto Indians lived on both sides of the Rio Grande at locations that included San Fernando, Tamaulipas and the area of present-day Reynosa-McAllen. In 1757 there was a Pinto settlement in what is now southern Hidalgo County. Some Pinto families entered the missions of San Fernando and Nuevo Santander in northern Tamaulipas. A few descendants of the Pinto Indians were still living near Reynosa as late as 1900.
  • The Sainoscos lived near Padilla.
  • The Salapaque (Alapagueme, Saulapaguet, Talapagueme, Zalapagueme) were a Coahuiltecan band that lived on both sides of the lower Rio Grande but mainly on the south side at various points between Matamoros and Reynosa in northern Tamaulipas. Some entered missions at Reynosa and Camargo, where they remained until well after 1800.
  • The Segujulapem – who spoke a Coahuiltecan language – had settlements on the north bank, had settlements on the north bank of the Rio Grande in what is now Cameron and Hidalgo counties. The name is said to mean "those who live in the huisaches" (shrubs).
  • The Sepinpacam lived on the north bank of the Rio Grande in what is now Cameron and Hidalgo counties. The name, which is said to mean “salt makers,” suggests that this was one of the Coahuiltecan bands that produced salt at La Sal Vieja, a salt lake at a nearby site, later in Willacy County.
  • The Serranos lived along the Rio Purificacion near Santa Barbara.
  • The Sibayones lived near Aguayo and Río de los Infantes in southern Tamaulipas. They were also identified with the Pizones.
  • The Sumi are probably the same as the Samacoalapem, who lived on the south bank of the Rio Grande between Camargo and Mier, Tamaulipas.
  • The Tejón (Texón) Indians is a Coahuiltecan band whose name is Spanish for “badger.” They lived along the south bank of the Rio Grande in the vicinity of Reynosa, Tamaulipas, when it was founded in the middle of the Eighteenth Century. After Reynosa was settled, some Tejóns moved to the Río San Juan about twenty-five miles from Camargo, where they remained until after 1800. Along with other Coahuiltecan bands on the lower Rio Grande, the Tejóns were sometimes referred to as Carrizos. In 1886 a group of Carrizos, apparently including a few Tejóns, was living near Charco Escondido about twenty miles south of Reynosa, and as late as 1907 some Tejóns still lived near Reynosa at a community known as Las Prietas.
  • The Tepemacas – a Coahuiltecan-speaking group – ranged along both sides of the Rio Grande in the area between Laredo and Rio Grande City and also along the Río Alamo upstream from Mier. The Tepemacas appear to be closely related to the Cuero Quemados, who lived farther down the Rio Grande, and it has been suggested that both names refer to the same people.
  • Clancluiguyguen: this Coahuiltecan band – also known as Tlanchuguin – lived on the north bank of the Rio Grande between present-day Zapata and Rio Grande City.
  • The Uscapem (Iscapan) Indians, who were probably Coahuiltecans, lived on the lower Rio Grande. In the middle eighteenth century their main settlements were east of Reynosa, Tamaulipas. They also foraged and camped on the Texas side of the river, particularly in the area of Cameron and Hidalgo counties.
  • Unpuncliegut (Hunzpunzliegut) Indians, who probably spoke Coahuiltecan, lived on the southern part of the Texas coast. In the middle eighteenth century their settlements were along the mainland shore of the Laguna Madre in the area of present Cameron and Willacy counties.
  • The Tortuga Indians, who were probably Coahuiltecan in speech, are believed to have lived near the Tamaulipas-Nuevo León boundary about halfway between Mier and Cerralvo. One source (Uhde) also links the Tortugas with the Texas coast, particularly the section between the Nueces and the Rio Grande.
  • Tugumlepem Indians were probably Coahuiltecan-speaking Indians who lived on the extreme southern part of the Texas coast. In the middle eighteenth century their settlements were between the sites of present Port Isabel and Brownsville in eastern Cameron County.


Nuevo Santander

In 1742, José de Escandón, Lieutenant General Captain of the Cerro Gordo District, carried out three expeditions through the mountains of southern Tamaulipas and helped friars to establish 11 missions there. Then, in September 1746, Escandón received word that he had been appointed to head the colonization project known as “Nuevo Santander” – the establishment of small settlements along the Rio Grande that would commence in the next year.  

In 1747, Escandón engineered a seven-point penetration from southern Tamaulipas with a convergence of all the expeditions at the mouth of Rio Grande. On June 1, 1748, he was officially appointed the Governor of Nuevo Santander, named for his home province in Spain. In a period of seven years, Escandón would establish 23 settlements and 15 missions with 1,337 families (6,000 colonists) along the Rio Grande in Tamaulipas. The whole colony was settled with remarkable speed. For the first time, viceregal officials relied on colonists rather than missionaries and soldiers to settle a new territory. Many of the settlers of Nuevo Santander are, in fact, the ancestors of today’s Tejanos.  

Political Chronology

Tamaulipas represented a large portion of the Spanish province of Nuevo Santander, which was founded in 1748 as a part of the Nueva España Kingdom. It became part of the “Provincias Internas” in 1777 until Mexican independence in 1822. On October 3, 1824, Tamaulipas became an independent state.  

Twentieth Century

According to the 1895, 1900 and 1910 Mexican census schedules, no inhabitants of Tamaulipas spoke any indigenous languages.  At least no one admitted to speaking such languages, although it is likely that there may have been bilingual speakers.   

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including “indígena pura” (pure indigenous), “indígena mezclada con blanca” (indigenous mixed with white) and “blanca” (white). Out of a total state population of 286,904, only 39,606 persons (or 13.8%) claimed to be of pure indigenous background.  A large portion of the population – 198,990, or 69.4% –classified themselves as being mixed, while 38,845 (13.5%) claimed to be white.  

Not until 1930 did any speakers of indigenous languages turn up in the census. In that year, 185 persons were classified as indigenous speakers who also spoke Spanish.  This figure reached 306 in the 1940 census. By the time of the 1950 census, Tamaulipas had one monolingual speaker of indigenous languages and 695 bilingual speakers.


The 2000 Census

According to the 2000 census, the population of persons five years and more who spoke indigenous languages amounted to 17,118 individuals. The primary groups were:  Náhuatl (8,407 speakers), Huasteco (4,083), Totonaca (1,321), Otomí (530), Mazahua (467), Zapoteco (432), Maya (226), and Mixteco (200).  

The 2005 Conteo

According to Mexico’s 2005 census count (conteo), 20,221 persons five years of age and older spoke indigenous languages in Tamaulipas.  The three languages most represented in the population were:  

  • Náhuatl (7,605 speakers – 37.6% of the indigenous speakers)
  • Hausteco (3,825 speakers – 18.9%)
  • Totonaca (1,735 speakers – 8.6%)  

Other languages represented in the population were the Mazahua, Otomí, Zapotec and Mixtec.  

2010 Census

In the 2010 census, Tamaulipas was ranked 27th among the Mexican states and the Federal District for the number of persons 5 years and older who speak indigenous languages. A total of 23,296 residents of the State represented 0.8% of Mexico’s indigenous speakers. Only Colima, Zacatecas, Guanajuato, Aguascalientes and Coahuila had smaller percentages of indigenous speakers.  In the 2010 census, the three most represented language-speakers in the Tamaulipas population were:  

  • Náhuatl (10,029 speakers)
  • Hausteco (4,707 speakers)
  • Totonaca (2,215 speakers)  

Huasteco is the eleventh most spoken language in Mexico – with 161,120 Huasteca speakers in all the states 2010, representing 2.41% of Mexico’s indigenous speakers five years of age or more.  

Ciudad Matamoros has been recognized by the National Population Council (CONAPO) as a major center of attraction for migrants from other Mexican states.  Tampico and Matamoros are both the destination for Nahuas from various states, especially Veracruz, Nuevo León and San Luis Potosí.  

Mexicans Considered Indigenous

The 2010 census also included a question that asked people if they considered themselves indigenous, whether or not an indigenous language was spoken. The results of this question indicated that 15.7 million persons 3 years of age and older identified themselves as “indigenous.”  By comparison, 6.9 million people in the same age bracket were tallied as indigenous speakers, meaning that approximately 8.8 million Mexicans aged 3 and older did not speak an indigenous language but considered themselves to be of indigenous origin.  

In this category, Tamaulipas – with 3.9% percent of its people 3 years of age an older considered indigenous – is ranked 30th among the Mexican states and Distrito Federal. At the present time, Tamaulipas continues to attract indigenous language speakers from other states, but its overall population of native speakers is relatively small compared to many of its sister states in the Mexican Republic.  

Copyright © 2014, by John P. Schmal.  


Campbell, Thomas N. “Coahuiltecans and Their Neighbors,” in Handbook of North American Indians, Vol. 10 (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1983).


Campbell, Thomas N. Campbell, “The Indians of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico: Selected Writings of Thomas Nolan Campbell” (Austin: Texas Archeological Research Laboratory, 1988).  

"COAHUILTECAN INDIANS," Handbook of Texas Online (http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/bmcah), accessed February 04, 2014. Published by the Texas State Historical Association.  

Departamento de la Estadística Nacionalm. “Annuario de 1930” (Tacubaya, D.F., Mexico, 1932).  

Flores Montemayor, Eduardo. “Historia, Lenguas y Leyendas de Tamaulipas.” (I.T.C.A., Conaculta: Mexico, 2003).  

Gerhard, Peter. “The North Frontier of New Spain,” (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1982).  

Hodge, Frederick Webb (ed). “Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico” (2 vols., Washington: GPO, 1907, 1910; rpt., New York: Pageant, 1959).  

Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática (INEGI). Principales Resultados del Censos de Población y Vivienda, 2000 y 2010.  

INEGI. Conteos de Población y Vivienda, 2005.  

Miller, Hubert J. “Jose de Escandon: Colonizer of Nuevo Santander” (Edinburg, Texas: The New Santander Press, 1980).


Prieto, Alejandro. “Historia, Geografía y Estadística del Estado de Tamaulipas” (Mexico City: Tip. Escalerillas, 1873; rpt., Mexico City: M. Porrúa, 1975).


Saldivar, Gabriel. “Los Indios de Tamaulipas” (Mexico City: Pan American Institute of Geography and History Publication No. 70, 1943).  

Scheffler, Lilian. “Los Indígenas Mexicanos: Ubicación Geografica, Organización Social y Política, Economía, Religión y Costumbres,” (México, D.F.: Panorama Editorial, 1992).  

Swanton, J. R. “Linguistic Material from the Tribes of Southern Texas and Northeastern Mexico” (Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1940).


Thomas, Cyrus and John R. Swanton, “Indian Languages of Mexico and Central America and Their Geographical Distribution” (Washington: GPO, 1911).


Troike, Rudolph C. “Notes on Coahuiltecan Ethnography,” Bulletin of the Texas Archeological Society 32 (1962).   








Indigenous San Luis Potosi


By John P. Schmal



The land-locked state of San Luis Potosí is located in center-north Mexico.  With a surface area of 61,138 square kilometers (representing 3.1% of the total area of the Mexican Republic), San Luis Potosí is politically divided into 58 municipios and touches nine other Mexican states. The state is adjacent to Coahuila on the north, Nuevo León on the northeast, and Tamaulipas on the northeast. Additionally, San Luis Potosí has a common border with Veracruz Llave (on the east), Guanajuato, Querétaro and Hidalgo on the south, Jalisco on the southwest, and Zacatecas to the west.    


San Luis Potosí had a 2010 population of 2,585,518 which represented 2.3% the Mexican Republic’s entire population, and is distributed into 64% urban and 36% rural (in contrast to the national figures of 77% versus 22%, respectively). The capital of San Luis Potosí is the city of the same name. The state name was originally granted in honor of the city’s founder, Luis de Leija, but also to honor Viceroy Luis of Velasco. Potosí was added to the name because the mines of this region had a richness similar to the famous mining settlement of that name high in the Bolivian Andes, the source of so much silver.


The early settlers of this area felt sure that this region also had immense silver deposits. Their hopes were certainly fulfilled, though not only in the way they had originally envisioned. Besides silver, which was mined in vast quantities, major deposits of gold, fluorite and mercury were also discovered.


The State of San Luis Potosí has a very angular look dominated by three natural regions:


1.     Altiplano (the Highland Plateau or Mesa del Centro) occupies most of western SLP or roughly two-thirds of the state’s total area. Most of this high plateau is broken by spurs of the Eastern Sierra Madre Oriental Mountain Range. It is largely desert in the north. 

2.     Sierra Madre Oriental Range takes up the northwest of SLP

3.     Planicie de Golfo dominates the southeast of SLP.


Indigenous Groups at Contact

In pre-Hispanic times, two primary indigenous groups dominated what we now know as the present state of San Luis Potosí: The Chichimecas (in the west) and the Huastecas (in the east).

The Chichimecas occupied the entire western region at the time of Spanish contact. The Chichimeca’s actually consisted of several groups, including:


  • Guachichiles (the most numerous group)
  • Guaxabanes
  • Copuces
  • Guamares
  • Sumuses
  • Guascamás
  • Caysanes
  • Mascorros
  • Coyotes
  • Macolias



The Otomí are one of the largest and oldest indigenous groups in Mexico. The different language groups in the Otomí family, including Otomí, Mazahua, Matlaltzinca, Ocuiltec, Southern and Northern Pame and Chichimec Jonaz (Manrique), have been molded by their various relationships with other central Mexican nations and by their own dispersal and migration to settlements.  The Otomí called themselves Ñañhu, which means those who speak Ñuju.



The Guachichiles, of all the Chichimeca Indians, occupied the most extensive territory, extending some 100,000 square kilometers from Lake Chapala (Jalisco) in the south to Saltillo (Coahuila) in the north.  Considered both warlike and brave, the Guachichiles roamed through a large section of the present-day state of Zacatecas. The Aztecs used the term “Guachichile” as a reference to “heads painted of red,” a reference to the red dye that they used to paint their bodies, faces and hair.  Although the main body of the Guachichile territory lay in Zacatecas, they also inhabited or travelled through large sections of western San Luis Potosí, northwestern Guanajuato, eastern Aguascalientes and the Los Altos area of Jalisco.   

The Guachichiles were among the first of the northeastern peoples to be “reduced” to settling down in Spanish towns that included the agricultural town of Saltillo and the mining towns of Mazapil in the far north, as well as seven agricultural and mining towns of central San Luis Potosí.  

The Guamares inhabited the Guanajuato Sierra but extended north into the southwestern portion of San Luis Potosí and parts of Querétaro in the east. The author Gonzalo de las Casas called the Guamares “the bravest, most warlike, treacherous and destructive of all the Chichimecas, and the most astute (dispuesta).”
Guamares, Purépechas and Otomíes cofounded the town of Pénjamo in southwestern Guanajuato in 1549. But eventually mention of the Guamares disappears and by 1572, they are no references of Guamares establishing Pueblos.  

The Pames of San Luis Potosí call themselves Xí úi, which means “native.” The Pames were a seminomadic tribe, constituting a very divergent branch of the Otomanguian linguistic family. They were located mainly in the southeastern part of San Luis Potosi south and east of the Río Verde and also in adjoining areas of Tamaulipas, Querétaro and Guanajuato.

The Huastecos (Teenek)
The Huasteco Indians, who speak a form of the Mayan language, presently occupy 55 municipios in the modern-day states of Veracruz, San Luis Potosí and Hidalgo, as well as smaller sections of southern Tamaulipas and eastern Querétaro. The Huastecas – who refer to themselves as Teenek -- are what remains of an early Mayan expansion northward up the Veracruz coast from the more traditional Mayan regions of the Yucatan Peninsula. However, the Huastecas were “left behind” after other Mayan groups retreated south and east. Linguists have estimated that the Hausteca precursor language diverged from the early Mayan language between 2200 and 1200 B.C.

The Huastecs became culturally dominant in the region between 750 and 800 AD. Over the next few centuries, the Huastecas managed to spread their influence over a large territory from the Tuxpan River to the Pánuco with most settlements along the banks of the Huayalejo-Tamesí River, along the northern Veracruz and southern Tamaulipas coast and west into the Sierra Madre Oriental. However, they never built cities and ceremonial centers as large as in other parts of Mesoamerica. One reason for this was that the Chichimeca were a constant threat from the West.  

In the Post Classic period, Huastec territory shrank due to incursions by Nahuas and Otomí in the south and west, culminating into Aztec conquest of much of their territory by 1450 A.D. The Aztecs had become jealous of the Huastecas because of the abundance and diversity of fruits in their territory; so they declared war on the Huastecs. After hard-fought battles, the Huastecs were defeated and forced to pay taxes of skins, paper, feathers, cotton and blankets.  

Some of the Huasteco Indians lived in the eastern part of SLP. The geographic entity named for them– the Hausteca – comprises a vast region of Mexico, covering parts of the states of Veracruz, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas and Hidalgo.  When the Spaniards arrived in 1519, the Huastecos put up a fierce resistance in the area known as Pánuco (now in northern Veracruz).  

After the fall of Tenochtitlán (August 1521), Hernan Cortes sought to extend Spanish domination to the areas between Tenochtitlán and the Gulf Coast to secure his supply lines with the mother country by way of the road to Veracruz.  Cortes came to regard the Huastecas as a threat and in October 1522 led an army toward Pánuco. After meeting with considerable resistance, Cortés defeated the Huastecos and founded the Villa de San Esteban (in Veracruz) in 1522, where he stationed 130 forces. However, revolts by the Huastecos in October-December 1523 and 1525-26 were put down with great cruelty.  

Chichimeca War (1550-1590)
The Spaniards began arriving in the Gran Chichimeca following the discovery of silver in Zacatecas in 1546 and Guanajuato in 1552. (Gold and silver were not found in SLP until 1592 when the mine of “San Luis de Mezquitique,” was opened at the present-day location of SLP). During the 1550s, when the silver discoveries began drawing more settlers towards the north, the so-called Chichimeca War started and lasted 40 years. That war, which resulted in a high cost in both lives and material resources, prevented the Spaniards from expanding their earlier conquests in the northern region.  

However, by 1590, the Guachichiles who occupied much of western SLP had been pacified. A report of a distribution of clothes to the Guachichil settlements in November 1593 described several thousand Guachichiles as living in SLP pueblos immediately after the Chichimeca War, and an undeterminable number still living in rancherías outside of Spanish control around Matehuala and further east.  

Evangelizing the Chichimecas
With the pacification of the Chichimecs and Guachichiles, Viceroy Luis de Velasco II initiated a movement to evangelize the Chichimecas. In 1590, the Franciscans established a convent, San Miguel de Mexquitic, and built a small adobe church (now the Cathedral of San Luis). Then, the Viceroy commanded that 400 families of loyal, converted Tlaxcaltecans be brought north to be settled alongside the Guachichiles and other Chichimecas. In June 1591, a caravan of 100 wagons and 932 colonists began their journey. These 932 colonists consisted of 690 married individuals, 187 children and 55 single or widowed individuals.

On August 5, 1591 the caravan arrived at Uccello, where the caravan split up to go to its various destinations. One of the four groups – 228 Tlaxcaltecans under Captains Francisco Vazquez and Juaquin Paredes --was sent from San Juan del Rio to the mines of San Miguel Mexquitic in SLP.

Early Spanish Settlements

On June 10, 1550, Cateano Medellin led a group of Spaniards and Tlaxcaltecans in the settlement of Matehuala. The area around the present-day cities of Matehuala and Charcas was then inhabited by a Guachichil group, known as Bozalos or Negritos. It has been estimated that the Guachichil population of the area at this time was about 25,000.  

In 1574, Charcas Viejas was founded as Santa María de las Charcas by Francisco Ruiz with the help of miners and missionaries from Zacatecas. However, they were twice driven out by the Chichimecas, returning to the mining camp around 1583-84. Tlaxcaltecans settled in Charcas in 1591-92, setting up their own gobierno (government). Soon after, other mining centers and cattle ranches spread across the surrounding area.  

When the Spaniards first arrived in the area that is now called San Luis Potosí – Guadalcázar – Río Verde and the surrounding region, there were three groups of hunters and gatherers living in the area:  

  • Guamares occupied the southwest section
  • Pames occupied the south and east of Rio Verde.
  • The Guachichiles occupied the northern section

On November 3, 1592, Villa de San Luis Potosí was founded by Miguel Caldera. With the discovery of gold, Spanish and Christianized Indians from the south migrated to the area to work in the mines and on the haciendas. The Spaniards had gained control of the larger surrounding area by 1616-17 with the opening of Franciscan missions in the area.


La Huasteca Region

La Huasteca is a geographical and cultural region located along the Gulf of Mexico which includes parts of the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Puebla, Hidalgo, San Luis Potosí, Querétaro, and Guanajuato. Historically and ethnically, the La Huasteca region is roughly defined by the area dominated by the Huastecas when their civilization was at its height in the Mesoamerican period.  

The Huasteca is considered a rich agricultural region with an abundance of water from the riverine system flowing to the Gulf. Geographically it has been defined as the area running from the Sierra Madre Oriental to the Gulf of Mexico with the Sierra de Tamaulipas as the northern border and the Cazones River as its southern border. It extends over the south of Tamaulipas, the southeast of San Luis Potosí, the northeast of Querétaro and Hidalgo and the extreme north of Veracruz and Puebla and a very small portion of Guanajuato.  

The actual area of the region is somewhat disputed. Some Mexican government institutions have defined the Huasteca region as a region of about 22,193 kilometers consisting of about 55 municipios divided between San Luis Potosi (19), Veracruz (28) and Hidalgo (8). Different organizations have their own classifications for the size and shape of the Huasteca, including SEDESOL (39 municipios), and CONAPO (83 municipios).  

Today, despite the fact that the large region is named after them, the Huastecas occupy only a fraction of this region which is now home to six indigenous ethnic groups with over 250,000 speakers of various languages. However, those who live in the region share a number of cultural traits such as a style of music and dance along with religious festivals such as Xantolo. Of the 55 municipios, the indigenous population of the Huasteca region in 2000 was 1,575,078, of which 76.7% were Nahuatl and 21.64% were Teenek, followed by the Otomíes (2.2%); Tepehuas (0.64%); The Pames (0.35%); and the Totonacos and Chichimeca Jonáz, which represented less than 0.4%.


Indigenous San Luis Potosí (1895-1920)

The 1895 Mexican census indicated that only 47,046 speakers of indigenous languages five years of age or more lived in the state of San Luis Potosi. This population group represented only 8.3% of the state population of 568,449.  In the next census (1900), the indigenous speaking population dropped to 31,937, representing only 5.6% of the population. However, the 1910 census recorded a significant increase in the indigenous population to 63,448, bringing the percentage to 10.1%.  

The 1921 Mexican Census

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including “indígena pura” (pure indigenous), “indígena mezclada con blanca” (indigenous mixed with white) and “blanca” (white). Out of a total state population of 445,681,  

  • 136,365 persons (or 30.6%) claimed to be of pure indigenous background
  • 275,812 persons (or 61.9%) classified themselves as being mixed
  • 24,103 (5.4%) claimed to be “blanca” or white.
The 2000 Census

In the 2000 census, 235,253 inhabitants of San Luis Potosí spoke indigenous languages, representing 10.23% of the state population aged 5 or more. The most widely spoken languages were as follows:

·       Náhuatl (138,523)

·       Huasteco (87,327)

·       Pame (7, 975)

·       Otomí (314)

·       Zapoteco (128)

·       Mixteco (130)

·       Chichimeca Jonaz (115).

 The Zapoteco and Mixteco speakers were most likely migrants from Oaxaca or Guerrero.  


Náhuatl speakers live in almost every municipio of San Luis Potosí, but have a heavy concentration in several municipios in the southeastern portion of the state that border the states of Veracruz and Hidalgo. These municipios include Tamazunchale, Axtla, San Martín Chalchicuautla, Xilitla, Coxcatlán and Matlapa. According to ethnologue.com, the two most widely spoken Náhuatl languages in SLP are:


·       Central Huasteca: spoken by an estimated 200,000 persons in the states of Hidalgo, Veracruz and SLP

·       Western (Oeste) Huasteca: spoken in 1,500 village by an estimated 400,000 persons (circa 1991) in both San Luis Potosí and Hidalgo. Centered in Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosí it is also called Náhuatl de Tamazunchale


Huastecos de San Luis Potosí (Teenek)

In the 2000 census, the Huasteco Indians numbered 87,327 in San Luis Potosí, most of them concentrated in 11 municipios. Another 51,625 lived across the border in Veracruz. The population of the Huastecas in these two states alone – 138,952 – represented 92.5% of the 150,257 Huastecas living within the Mexican Republic. The indigenous languages in the Huasteca have evolved in recent decades, with more speakers that are bilingual than monolingual. In the Hidalgo Huasteca monolingual speakers in 2000 were 25% of the indigenous population, while in San Luis Potosi and Veracruz the percentages were 10.7 and 12.2% monolingual population.


Panes (xi’úi de San Luis Potosi)

The Pames – who call themselves xi'úi – speak a language that belongs to the Otomanguean Linguistic group. They use the word “Pame” to refer to themselves only when they are speaking Spanish. But in their religion, this word has a contemptuous meaning and they try to avoid using it.  The xi'úi region, known as “The Pameria,” occupies five municipios of San Luis Potosí (Ciudad del Maíz, Alaquines, Tamasopo, Rayón and Santa Catarina) and three communities in the Queretaro municipio of Jalpan de Serra. The Pameria municipios in SLP run from the northern border with Tamaulipas to the southern border with Querétaro (in a narrow portion of the state).  

In the 2000 Mexican census, the Pame only numbered 8,312 in the entire Mexican Republic. The largest share of Pame speakers -- 7,975 individuals – lived in SLP, representing 95.9% of their total population. Their share of the total indigenous population within the Republic was less than four percent.  


The Chichimeca-Jonaz language is found only in the states of San Luis Potosí and Guanajuato. Chichimeca Jonaz is classified as a member of the Oto-Manguean language family and is divided into two major dialects: the Pame dialect, which is used in San Luis Potosí, and the Jonaz dialect used in Guanajuato. With a total of 1,433 Chichimeca-Jonaz speakers living in the state of Guanajuato in 2000, it is interesting to note that the great majority - 1,405 persons five years of age or more - actually lived in the municipio of San Luis de la Paz. In 2000, only 115 persons – living in the municipio of Alaquines and the village of La Palma – still spoken the language in SLP.  

The 2010 Census

In 2010, SLP had 361,653 persons who were identified as indigenous, and this represented 14% of the total population. As expected, however, not all of the people who were indigenous spoke an indigenous language. In 2010, SLP had 248,196 persons five years of age or more who spoke an indigenous language, representing 10.7% of the population. The four most spoken languages in this census were:  

  • Náhuatl (141,326 speakers)
  • Huasteco (99,464 speakers)
  • Pame (11,412 speakers)
  • Otomí (320 speakers)

 San Luis Potosí was ranked 9th among the 31 Mexican states and the Distrito Federal in terms of its percentage of indigenous speaking populations. Three municipios had populations that were classified as 90% or more indigenous, and in a total of 14 municipios more than 50% of the population was indigenous. However, in total, only three municipios had 80% or more indigenous speakers (5 years of age and older) within its boundaries, and a total of 10 municipios had 50% or more indigenous speakers.  

Tamazunchale -- the municipio on the southeastern tip of SLP on the border with Hidalgo – had the largest indigenous population (60,609  or 62.6% of the municipio’s population), in addition to having an indigenous speaking population of 38,226 (44.3% of the municipio’s population 5 years of age and older).  

Aquismón – also in southeast SLP - had the second largest indigenous population, 37,745 (or 79.6%), ranking a distant second place. Aquismón also had a considerable number of indigenous speakers, numbering 30,289 (or 72.4% of the municipio population 5 years of age and older).


Primary Sources


Chemin Bässler, Heidi. “Los Pames Septentrionales de San Luis Potosí” (México: INI, 1984)  

Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, “Annuario de 1930” (Tacubaya, D.F., Mexico, 1932).  

Departamento de la Estadistica Nacional, Estados Unidos Mexicanos, “Censos General de Habitantes: 30 de Noviembre de 1921, Estado de Jalisco,” (Mexico, Distrito Federal: Talleres Graficos de la Nación, 1926)  

Frye, David. “The Native Peoples of Northeastern Mexico” in “The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas: Volume II: Mesoamerica: Part 2” (edited by Richard E.W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod (Cambridge University Press, 2000)).  

Gerhard, Peter, “A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain” (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972).  

Gerhard, Peter. “The North Frontier of New Spain” (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1982).  

Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.), 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition, “Languages of Mexico” (Dallas, Texas: SIL International). Online: http://archive.ethnologue.com/15/show_country.asp?name=Mexico  

Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI). XII Censo General de Población y Vivienda 2000; Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010.

Nava, Fernando. “Chichimecas Jonaz” (México: INI - SEDESOL, 1994).  

Powell, Philip W., “La Guerra Chichimeca (1550-1600)” (México: FCE, 1992).

Powell, Philip Wayne, “Soldiers Indians and Silver: North America's First Frontier War.” Tempe, Arizona: Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University, 1975.

Wilkerson, J. “The Ethnogenesis of the Hausteca and Totonacs” (1972: PH Dissertation, Dept, of Archaeology and Anthropology, Tulane University).








Indigenous Hidalgo: At the Crossroads between Two Cultures

(Otomí and Náhuatl)

By John P. Schmal


The Mexican State of Hidalgo is located in Mexico's Central Plateau and shares common borders with San Luis Potosí on the north, Puebla on the east, Tlaxcala on the southeast, the state of Mexico on the south, Querétaro on the west, and Veracruz on the northeast. Politically, Hidalgo is divided into eighty-four municipios and has a surface area of 20,813 square kilometers, or 1.1% of the national territory, making it the twenty-sixth largest state of Mexico.


With a population of about 2,858,359 inhabitants in 2010, Hidalgo is ranked 17th in population among the states and Distrito Federal (Mexico City). The capital of Hidalgo is Pachuca, which is located 101 kilometers (63 miles) north of Mexico City and had a population of 256,584 in 2010. Pachuca's name was derived from the term Patiachiucan, which in the Náhuatl language means "narrow place."


Geographic Regions of Hidalgo

Hidalgo is basically split into several regions, including:


Ø  The Mezquital Valley (Southwest Hidalgo)

Ø  The Eastern Sierra Madre Mountains (Northwest and Northcentral Hidalgo)

Ø  The Huasteca (Northeast Hidalgo)

Ø  La Comarca Minera (a mining district in Central Hidalgo), which includes the capital, Pachuca

Ø  The Mexican Plateau (southern Hidalgo)

Ø  The Valley of Tulacingo (southeastern Hidalgo)


Crossed by the Eastern Sierra Madre Mountains, the northern part of the state is extremely mountainous. However, in the southern and western regions, one will find plains and fertile valleys that lie within Mexico's Central Plateau. The climate is warm in the lower valleys, temperate on the Plateau, and cold in the mountains. The map at the following link shows Hidalgo’s many geographic regions:




Pre-Hispanic Indigenous Groups

In pre-Hispanic times, a wide range of indigenous tribes, including Otomí, Tepehua, Mazahua and Náhuatl speakers, inhabited various parts of the present-day state of Hidalgo. Much of what is now Hidalgo was inhabited by the Otomíes for centuries until the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries, when most of this region was conquered by the Náhuatl-speaking Mexica and incorporated into the Aztec Empire.


The Otomí (The Sierra Nahñu)

The Otomí language is a large, very diverse linguistic group with a strong cultural tradition throughout much of central and eastern Mexico. The Otomí (who call themselves Nahñu, or Hñahñu) belong to the seventh most common language group in Mexico and presently occupy portions of the states of Hidalgo, México, Puebla, Tlaxcala, Veracruz, Querétaro and Michoacán.


At one time, the Otomí held a great deal of power and prestige throughout east central Mexico. However, the rise of the Aztec Empire led to a steady decline of the Otomíes during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth centuries. Nahñu belongs to the Otopamean language family, a subfamily of the very large Otomanguean Linguistic Group. (Most of the Oaxacan indigenous groups — including the Zapotecs and Mixtecs — belong to this language family.) However, linguistic studies indicate that the Otomí split from the ancestral Otomanguean Group about 6,500 years ago. Today, the Otomí language family comprises seven languages: Otomi (proper), Mazahua, Matlatzinca, Ocuiltec, Southern Pame, Northern Pame, and Chichimec Jonaz.


The Náhuatl Languages of Hidalgo

The Náhuatl people are the single largest indigenous group in Hidalgo and in the entire Mexican Republic. Although Nahuas live in all the states of the Mexican Republic, each of the 28 or so Náhuatl languages and dialects has developed unique characteristics depending on its environmental conditions. It is believed that the earliest Nahua speakers arrived in Hidalgo area as early as the Twelfth Century. At the time of the Spanish contact, Náhuatl-speaking Indians inhabited several regions of Hidalgo, largely due to the fact that the Aztec Empire ruled over a considerable part of the region.



The Mazahua, a principal tribe of the Otomian linguistic family, lives in the western portion of the State of México, as well as some adjoining territory in Michoacán, Querétaro and southwestern Hidalgo. In 1521, the Mazahua aligned themselves with the Spanish troops and joined them to help fight the Aztecs.


The Huastecos

The Huastecos — also known as Teenek — represent the northernmost extension of the Mayan language family in Mexico. Several scholars have written about the separation of the Teenek from the rest of the Maya family, theorizing that the Huastecos probably arrived in the Veracruz-Puebla-Querétaro region about 3,500 years ago, an area they shared with Nahua, Tepehua, and Otomí peoples by the time of the Spaniards’ arrival. The Huastecs were organized into small feudal states governed by rulers who had absolute authority over their subjects.  Today the Hausteco presently occupy about 55 municipios in northern Veracruz, northern Puebla, eastern Hidalgo, southeastern San Luis Potosí, and southern Tamaulipas.


The Huasteca Region

The “Huasteca” is a huge and historically important region of northeastern Mexico once inhabited mainly by the Huastec Indians when their civilization was at its height in the Mesoamerican period. Today this topographically and climatically diverse area is considered a rich agricultural region with an abundance of water from the riverine systems flowing to the Gulf. The Huasteca includes the northeast corner of Hidalgo. Although the Huastecos and Náhuatl still occupy some areas of the current Huasteca, mestizo populations extensively replaced them in many areas during the Spanish colonial period.


The Tepehua

The Tepehua Indians occupy two regions: a band stretching from Huehuetla in Hidalgo, northwestward through Tlachichilco in Veracruz, where the Tepehua are surrounded by Otomí and mestizo settlements. The name “Tepehua” may be derived from either of the Nahua words tepetl (mountain) or ueialtepetl (town dweller). The Tepehua religion retains beliefs and practices that are rooted in their pre-Hispanic past. It is believed that the remoteness of Tepehua territory played some role in the failure of evangelists to convert the Tepehua during the colonial era. The Tepehua of the present day era are primarily engaged in agriculture.  In the 2010 census, of the 1,818 Tepehua speakers 3 years of age or older living in the State of Hidalgo, 1,680 individuals (or 92.4%) lived in the Municipio of Huehuetla.


The Aztec Empire

The Aztec Empire of 1519 was the most powerful Mesoamerican kingdom of all time. The multi-ethnic, multi-lingual realm stretched for more than 80,000 square miles through many parts of what is now central and southern Mexico. Fifteen million people, living in thirty-eight provinces and residing in 489 communities, paid tribute to the Emperor Moctezuma II in Tenochtitlán, the capital city of the great empire. The present-day state of Hidalgo was occupied by several Aztec provinces: Axocopan, Atotonilco, Xilotepec, and Chiapan.


Axocopan Province (Valley of Mezquital)

The province of Axocopan was located within the plateau area known as the Valley of Mezquital. This region was primarily occupied by Otomí Indians, and by a lesser number of Pame Indians (who belonged to the Chichimec Indians). Axocopan was first conquered by Mexica emperor, Moctezuma Ilhuicamina, who ruled over the Aztec Empire from 1440 to 1464. The primary crops grown in this region were maguey and nopal.


Xilotepec Province (Western Hidalgo)

Located west of Axocopan, the Aztec province of Xilotepec was one of the largest provinces of the Aztec Empire, containing at least 47 towns in an area of more than 4,000 square kilometers (about 1,544 square miles). Xilotepec was originally part of an Otomí kingdom located in the frontier area between the central Mexican Nahua-speaking Indians and the Chichimec Indians of the north and northwest. Although the Otomí put up a fierce resistance, Xilotepec was eventually captured. In order to fortify the area against Chichimeca incursions, the Mexica maintained garrisons in the city of Xilotepec and several smaller frontier towns.


Atotonilco (Southeastern Hidalgo)

The Aztec province of Atotonilco was located immediately north of the Valley of Mexico and was primarily occupied by Otomí and Mazahua Indians. Atotonilco stretched from the high plateau country to the mountains of the eastern Sierra Madre. Although most of Atotonilco was Otomí country, some Tepehua and Náhuatl speakers lived in the area too. This area, in which maguey and nopal were the primary crops, was also conquered by Moctezuma Ilhuicamina. The Mexica recognized the Otomíes as expert farmers and hunters and required tribute from them in the form of foodstuffs.


Chiapan (Southern Hidalgo)

The Chiapan strategic province was a group of states lying between the provinces of Axocopan, Atotonilco and Xilotepec, but also included what is now the border area between Hidalgo and the State of Mexico. Both Otomí and Náhuatl were spoken by the people in this area.



The town of Tula (Tollan) some 55 miles (90 kilometers) north of Mexico City was the site of one of the greatest civilizations in Mexican history: the Toltecs. Tula was called Namenhí (Place of Many People) by the Otomí Indians. It is believed that Tula existed as a center of Toltec civilization for more than four centuries until it was abandoned in 1156 before the rise of the Aztecs. An agricultural crisis triggered Tula's decline, which culminated in its capture by marauding Otomíes and Chichimeca Indians.


Tula was eventually conquered by the Mexica and became a strategic part of the Aztec province of Chiapan. Boasting cultural elements from diverse sources, Tula became an important spiritual center and an important pilgrimage center for the Mexica of Tenochtitlán. The regional economy was dependent upon maguey production, as well as lime and wood.



Pachuca, which is in southern Hidalgo, was founded in 1488 and was located in Otomí territory, with a Náhuatl-speaking minority and probably a small amount of Pame Chichimecs. The Spaniards arrived here in late 1519 and controlled the region by the spring of 1521. Pachuca has always been linked strongly to mining. Pachuca, which continues to be an important mining center today, has been nicknamed La Bella Airosa (The Windy City) because during most of the year there are strong northeastern winds that can reach up to 75 kilometers per hour.


Metztitlán (Northern Hidalgo)

Metztitlán was a powerful Otomí state located in the rugged mountainous region of what is now northern Hidalgo, Metztitlán remained an unconquered enclave within the Aztec Empire up until the arrival of the Spaniards in 1519. The independence of this small kingdom was easily maintained because of the nature of the terrain in the Metztitlán Valley, where, writes Professor Michael Smith, “a small but well-placed force could hold off a larger and more powerful army.”


Emperors Ahuítzotl and Moctezuma were able to isolate Metztitlán by conquering most of the territory surrounding it. Professor Smith believes that the state remained unconquered because “there were few resources of interest to the empire in this area, and the final emperors may have decided that Metztitlán was not worth the effort.”  Metztitlán was one of four enclaves either partly or fully surrounded by the Aztec Empire. In the map at the following link, Metztitlán is the farthest northern enclave:




The Destruction of the Aztec Empire (1519-1521)

Spanish forces under the command of Captain Hernán Cortés landed on the Gulf Coast near present-day Veracruz in April 1519. After establishing La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz (The Rich Town of the True Cross) in June, Cortés made plans to move west and confront the Aztec Emperor, Moctezuma II, in his capital, Tenochtitlán, the seat of power for the entire Aztec Empire.


On August 16, 1519, Cortés assembled a massive army for an expedition inland. He had a force of at least 400 Spanish soldiers, 150 Cuban Indian servants, 1,300 allied indigenous warriors and seven pieces of artillery. They also had 15 horses, reserved exclusively for the captains of the army. After an extended two-year campaign well-described in our history books, Cortés took control of Tenochtitlán in August 1521.


The Conquest of Hidalgo

In 1520, Captain-General Hernán Cortés was the first European to cross through the territory of Hidalgo, as he led his campaign against Tenochtitlán and the Aztec Empire. By the spring of 1521, the Spaniards gained control of this area. Sometime around 1523, the first Franciscan missionaries began their spiritual conquest of the Indians in this region.


Colonial Hidalgo

By the 18th century, the economy of Hidalgo was dominated by mining and agricultural haciendas. Much of the agricultural production during the colonial period was centered on livestock such as sheep and pigs as well as the making of pulque from the native maguey plant. However, the mining of silver, gold and other metals in the Pachuca/Real del Monte area would become the economic backbone of the area through the colonial period and beyond.


Hidalgo is Separated from Estado de Mexico

The state of Hidalgo is named after the man who began Mexico's Independence struggle, Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla. For most of the Nineteenth Century, Hidalgo was a part of the State of México.  However, in order to resolve certain administration problems, on January 16th, 1860, President Benito Juárez decreed that the northern area of Mexico State would become a federation in its own right. It remained a part of México until January 15, 1869, when it was established as a separate state in honor of the revolutionary patriot.


Indigenous Hidalgo (1895-1910)

In the 1895 Mexican census, 169,885 individuals five years of age and older living in the state of Hidalgo spoke indigenous languages, representing 30.4% of the state’s population. This figure increased to 177,806 in 1900, but dropped to 170,148 in the 1910 census, as the Mexican Revolution began to take shape.


By 1910, Hidalgo had the fifth-largest indigenous-speaking population among the Mexican states and the fourth largest percentage of indigenous speakers.


Hidalgo in the 1921 Mexican Census

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including “indígena pura” (pure indigenous), “indígena mezclada con blanca” (indigenous mixed with white) and “blanca” (white). Out of a total state population of 622,241, 245,704 persons (or 39.5%) claimed to be of pure indigenous background. Another 320,250, or 51.5% – classified themselves as being mixed, while only 54,977 (8.8%) claimed to be white.


Hidalgo in the 2010 Census

In the 2010 Mexican census, there were 369,549 persons 3 years of age and more who spoke indigenous languages in the State of Hidalgo. Hidalgo had the seventh largest indigenous-speaking population among the states and the sixth largest percentage of indigenous speakers (14.8%), following Oaxaca (33.8%), Yucatán (29.6%), Chiapas (27.3%), Quintana Roo (16.2%) and Guerrero (15.2%).


Hidalgo’s Indigenous Languages in 2010

The most widely spoken languages in Hidalgo in 2010 were:


Ø  Náhuatl (245,153 indigenous speakers 66.3% of all indigenous speakers)

Ø  Otomí (115,869 indigenous speakers 31.4% of all indigenous speakers)

Ø  Tepehua (1,818 indigenous speakers 0.5% of all indigenous speakers)

Ø  Mixteco (677 indigenous speakers 0.2% of all indigenous speakers)

Ø  Zapoteco (533 indigenous speakers 0.1% of all indigenous speakers)

Ø  Totonaco (498 indigenous speakers 0.1% of all indigenous speakers)

Ø  Mazahua (222 indigenous speakers 0.1% of all indigenous speakers)


Most of the Mixteco and Zapoteco speakers in Hidalgo either migrated from Oaxaca or were the children of migrants from Oaxaca or Guerrero.


Municipios with the Largest Percentage of Indigenous Speakers

Among the 84 municipios of the State of Hidalgo, only four have indigenous speaking populations that represent 5% or more of their total population. Three of the four municipios lie in Hidalgo’s Huasteca Region and are on the border with Veracruz where the Náhuatl language is fairly prevalent.


In 2010, 69,578 persons living in Huejutla de Reyes were speakers of indigenous languages 3 years and old. These indigenous speakers representing 18.8% of the total municipio population are nearly all Náhuatl speakers. Huejutla de Reyes has been known as “the Heart of La Huasteca” and is located in the northeastern region of Hidalgo along the border with Veracruz.


Ixmiquilpan had 31,249 indigenous speakers 3 years of age or older, representing 8.5% of the municipio’s total population. The municipio is located on the Mexico City/Nuevo Laredo Highway in the central west part of the state of Hidalgo. Nearly all of its indigenous-speaking population are Otomíes and the capital city is recognized as an ancient Otomí capital.


San Felipe Orizatlán had 22,874 indigenous speakers 3 years of age or older, representing 6.2% of the municipio population. It is also in the northeastern Huasteca region of Hidalgo and is adjacent to the two states of San Luis Potosí y Veracruz.


The municipio of Yahualica had 18,442 indigenous speakers in 2010, representing 5.0% of the total municipio population. Yahualica is also located in northeastern Hidalgo’s Huasteca Region and borders the State of Veracruz. The indigenous populations of both Yahualica and San Felipe Orizatlán are nearly all Náhuatl speakers.


The Náhuatl Language in Present-Day Hidalgo

The Nahua are the largest indigenous group in Mexico. At the time of the 2010 census, 1,544,968 Mexicans five years of age and older identified as Náhuatl speakers, representing 23.1% of all indigenous speakers in the Republic. The wide dispersion of the Nahua speakers is the result of the expansion of the Aztec empire and the colonization of the conquered areas by people who spoke Náhuatl. And, after the conquest of the Aztec Empire, Náhuatl speakers accompanied the Spaniards on their expeditions of exploration and conquest as scouts, soldiers and emissaries.


The Náhuatl language in the Hidalgo-Puebla-Veracruz area has several dialects and, in some areas, these dialects are mutually unintelligible because of successive migrations of people from different cultures over a period of many centuries. In Hidalgo, the 2010 population of Náhuatl speakers was 245,153 individuals, representing over 66% of the state’s indigenous speakers. Most of the Náhuatl-speaking people of Hidalgo are mainly concentrated in northeast of Hidalgo along the border with Vera Cruz and San Luis Potosi. In many towns which are located in the Sierra Huasteca they remain monolingual, with some of them not speaking Spanish at all. Over 150,000 Nahuas live in the nine municipios that make up the Huasteca of Hidalgo: Atlapexco, Calnali, Huautla, Huazalingo, Huejutla, Jaltocán, Orizatlán, Xochiatipan, and Yahualica.


The Otomí of Hidalgo

The Otomi language in Hidalgo is second most common language in Hidalgo. The 115,869 Otomí speakers in Hidalgo represent almost one-third (31.4%) of all indigenous speakers in the state and nearly 41% of Mexico’s total Otomí population of 284,992. In contrast, the 245,153 Náhuatl speakers living in Hidalgo in 2010 represented only 16% of Mexico’s 1,544,968 Nahua speakers.


Today, the Otomí occupy several regions of Hidalgo. Highland Otomi (aka Otomí de la Sierra) is a dialect cluster spoken in the Sierra Madre Oriental highlands of Eastern Hidalgo, Western Veracruz and Northern Puebla. Another Otomí language is spoken in the Mezquital Valley, and a third one is spoken in the Sierra de Tenango, a small “horn” in the southeast that juts out to the east of the state and is nearly surrounded by the bordering states of Puebla and Veracruz.


Mexico’s 2015 Intercensal Survey

In 2016, the Mexican government agency, Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI), published the 2015 Intercensal Survey, which upgraded Mexico’s socio-demographic information to the midpoint between the 2010 census and the census to be carried out in 2020. With a sample size of over 6 million homes, this survey provides information on the national, state and municipio level, as of March 15th, 2015.


Considered Indigenous Classification

One of the 2015 survey questions read “De acuerdo, con su cultura, se considera indígena?” Essentially, Mexican residents were being asked if they considered themselves indigenous through their culture.


Based on the responses to this question, 36.2% of the citizens of Hidalgo considered themselves to be indigenous through their culture. Only four states had higher percentages of persons who considered themselves to be indigenous: Oaxaca (65.7%); Yucatán (65.4%); Campeche (44.5%) and Quintana Roo (44.4%).


However, while more than one-third of its population considered itself to be indigenous in 2015, only 14.2% of Hidalgo residents did, in fact, speak indigenous languages.


Hidalgo in 2016

In 2016, Hidalgo had nearly 1.2 million workers. More than half of Hidalgo’s workers (52.2%) are involved in three sectors:


Ø  Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (226,673 workers – 18.9% of the total working population)

Ø  Commerce (213,089 workers – 17.8% of the total working population)

Ø  Manufacturing (185,190 workers – 15.5% of the total working population)


A state with a centuries-old mining tradition, Hidalgo possesses the largest deposits of manganese in the Americas, as well as significant reserves of gold, silver, lead, copper, zinc and iron. Reserves of gypsum, cement, kaolin and refractory clays are also abundant in Hidalgo. But, in recent years, Hidalgo has developed into both an agricultural and industrial center.


In 2016, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Hidalgo was 296 billion pesos, which contributed 1.6% to Mexico’s national GDP. Three economic activities accounted for just over one-half (50.8%) of Hidalgo’s GDP as outlined here:


Ø  Wholesale and Retail trade (18.9% of Hidalgo’s GDP)

Ø  Manufacturing (18.8% of Hidalgo’s GDP)

Ø  Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (13.1% of Hidalgo’s GDP)


Construction represented another tenth (10.9%) of the GDP. Hidalgo's proximity to Mexico City has given the region a significant level of industrial development in recent decades. Today, the State of Hidalgo is home to six major industries: mining, textiles, food, auto parts, metal mechanics and oil. Hidalgo is fast becoming one of Mexico's most important industrial centers for the assembly of public transport vehicles, including subway and railroad cars, heavy machinery, automobiles and trucks.


The Future

The future of Mexico’s indigenous languages is not certain, but there does appear to be some effort to carry on some of the nation’s ancient languages.  The movement of indigenous peoples from their places of origin to other parts of Mexico will play some role in the continued decline of some languages.  On the other hand, the sense of pride and cultural identity among some indigenous groups will ensure the survival of many of the languages well into the future.


Municipio Information

Descriptions and brief histories of the 84 municipios of Hidalgo can be accessed at the following link.





Carrasco, David (ed.), “The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, Volume 2 (Oxford University Press, 2001).


Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, “Annuario de 1930” (Tacubaya, D.F., Mexico, 1932).


Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, “Resumen del Censos General de Habitantes de 30 de Noviembre de 1921” (México: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, 1928).


Foster, George M., "The Mixe, Zoque, Popoluca." In Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), “Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 7, Ethnology, Part One,” (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp.  448-477.


Gerhard, Peter, “A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain” (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972).


Gobierno del Estado de Hidalgo, “Lenguas Indígenas” (Dec. 12, 2013). Online:



Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). “Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010: Tabulados del Cuestionario Básico: Población de 3 Años y Más que Habla Lengua Indígena por Entidad Federativa y Lengua.”


INEGI, Principales Resultados de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015. Estado Unidos Mexicanos:  III: Etnicidad.” Online:



Manrique C, Leonardo, "The Otomí." In Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), “Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 8, Ethnology, Part Two,” (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp. 682-722.


Mexican Textiles, “Mexican Indigenous Textiles: Otomi of Huehuetla, Hidalgo.” Online:



Sandstrom, Alan R. and E. Hugo García Valencia (editors), “Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico” (Tucson: Arizona University Press, 2005).


Schryer, Frans J., “Native Peoples of Central Mexico Since Independence,” in Richard E.W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod (eds.), “The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Volume II, Mesoamerica, Part 2” (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000).


Secretaríat de Economía, ProMéxico Trade and Investment: Hidalgo. Online:



Simons, Gary F. and Charles D. Fennig (eds.), “Ethnologue: Languages of the World: Mexico” (Dallas, Texas: SIL International, 2018 — 21st edition). Online: https://www.ethnologue.com/country/MX/languages.


Smith, Michael E. and Frances F. Berdan, “Province Descriptions” in Frances F. Berdan et al., “Aztec Imperial Strategies” (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1996), pp. 265-349.


Wilkerson, J. “The Ethnogenesis of the Huasteca and Totonacs” (1972: PHD Dissertation, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Tulane University).






Indigenous Puebla: Land of the Náhuatl Speakers

By John P. Schmal


Puebla de Zaragoza is a landlocked state in east central Mexico. It is surrounded by Veracruz on the northeast, Hidalgo on the northwest, Tlaxcala on the west, Estado de México on the west and southwest, Morelos on the southwest, Guerrero on the south and Oaxaca on the south and southeast. Politically, Located on the central plateau southeast of Mexico City, Puebla is divided in 217 municipios and has an area of 34,306 square kilometers (13,245 square miles), making it the 21st largest Mexican state (1.7% of the national territory).


However, Puebla is ranked fifth in population among the Mexican states, with a 2010 population of 6,168,883 (which represents 5.2% of Mexico’s national population).  The capital of Puebla is Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza, which boasted a population of 1,434,062 in 2010, the third largest city in the Mexican Republic. The capital city of Puebla was made famous by an important battle fought in 1862 against invading French forces. 


The Geography of Puebla

Puebla de Zaragoza has a roughly triangular shape with its narrow part to the north. The state is dominated by mountains of the Sierra Madre Oriental, but large valleys lay between the ranges. The Sierra Madre of the north consists of a high plateau and mountains. It is the most isolated area of the state and contains the highest percentage of indigenous peoples.


Puebla’s central region, ringed by four volcanoes, all with elevations over 14,600 feet, consists of rolling plains that are cut by low, rugged mountains. It is the most industrialized region and includes the capital city, Heroica Puebla. Southern Puebla is characterized by dry mountains and verdant river valleys.


The small state of Tlaxcala lies just north of Heroica Puebla and is surrounded by the State of Puebla on all sides, except the northwest. As will be discussed below, Tlaxcala has played an important role in Puebla’s indigenous history.


The Ancient City of Cholula

The City of Cholula — located in the center west of the State of Puebla, nine miles west of capital city of Puebla de Zaragoza — was the most important settlement of ancient Puebla. Established sometime between 800 and 200 B.C., Cholula is believed to be the oldest continually inhabited city in all of Mexico.


By 100 B.C., the Olmecs had developed Cholula into one of Mexico’s most active cities. During that period they began building the immense monument known as the Great Pyramid of Cholula. One of the largest pyramids in the world, it stands 55 meters (181 feet) tall with a base that measures over 396 meters (1,300 feet) on each side. Similar to the fate of Teotihuacán to the northwest, Cholula was mostly abandoned around 800 A.D. for unknown reasons.


In the 10th century, Cholula was taken over by the Putún Maya, also known as Olmeca-Xicalanca. During the 12th century, a Toltec-Chichimec tribe settled in the area, and in 1292 Náhuatl-speaking tribes, including remnants of the Toltec nation, successfully invaded and occupied Cholula.


The Emergence of the Aztec Empire

Starting in 1325, the Mexica — who spoke Náhuatl and inhabited the Valley of Mexico to the west of what is now Puebla — had begun spreading out from their base of power in Tenochtitlán, located about 87 kilometers (54 miles) northwest of Cholula. The Mexica and their powerful Aztec Empire subdued neighboring city-states and compelled their new subjects to surrender part of their production as tribute. Eventually, the Aztecs incorporated into their empire much of what is known today as Puebla. Faced with the Aztec threat, the people of Cholula surrendered to the Aztecs. However, thirty kilometers (19 miles) to the north, the City of Tlaxcala stood firm against the Aztecs.


The Indigenous Peoples of Puebla

Before the Spaniards arrived, most of central Puebla was dominated by the Náhuatl speakers as the Aztec Empire spread its tentacles through the region. In the south, Acatlán and Chinantla were dominated by the Mixtecs, who represented an even stronger force in neighboring Oaxaca. Another region in the south, Tepexi, was dominated by the Popolocas. The north of Puebla was populated by the Totonacs, Mazatecs and Otomi. During, the 15th Century, the Aztecs gained control of most of these areas, as they moved eastward towards the Gulf Coast and what is now known as the State of Veracruz.  The present-day state of Puebla was primarily occupied by two Aztec provinces, Ahuatlan and Tepeacac.


The Tlaxcalans

Although Tlaxcala is an independent state today, it is important to the historical development of its larger neighbor because most of the state is cradled by and almost entirely surrounded by Puebla, as can be seen on the map at the following link:




Living in the Shadow of the Aztec Empire

The Tlaxcalans represented a major thorn in the side of the Mexica and their nation evolved into an independent enclave deep in the heart of the Aztec Empire. Surrounded on all sides by groups who submitted to the Mexica and paid allegiance and tribute to their Aztecs overlords, the Tlaxcalan nation lived in the shadow of the Aztec Empire for two centuries. The Tlaxcalans also became major rivals of their neighbors to the south in Cholula.


The Wikipedia map at the following link shows Tlaxcala as one of three independent enclaves that were surrounded by the Aztec Empire in 1519 and also illustrates how close Tlaxcala was to its Aztec rival, Tenochtitlán:




Although they were blockaded by the Aztecs, the Tlaxcalan Republic never yielded to the superior power. By 1519, Tlaxcala was a small, densely populated province with a population of about 150,000. Tlaxcala was actually a “confederation of four republics,” ruling over some 200 settlements. Some historians believe that Tenochtitlán could have overwhelmed Tlaxcala without too much difficulty, and the reason it did not is probably that it wanted a nearby source of victims for the human sacrifices. Therefore the Aztecs maintained an almost perpetual state of war with Tlaxcala, but never actually conquered it. Also, the Aztecs seem to have regarded the frequent battles with the Tlaxcalans as a convenient way of testing and training the young Mexica warriors.


The Spaniards Meet the Totonacs (1519)

The Totonacs were the first natives in present-day Puebla and Veracruz whom Captain Hernán Cortés met on landing on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in 1519. According to their own traditions, the Totonac had come from the northwest nearly eight centuries earlier, and had maintained an independent kingdom until subjugated by the Aztecs only about 25 years before the arrival of the Spaniards.  The Aztecs forced the Totonacs to pay heavy tribute, including the seizure of their people for slaves and sacrifice in the bloody Aztec rites.  As a result, they were sufficiently seasoned for revolt and their King, Chicomacatt, eagerly welcomed Cortés and the Spaniards, promising the support of his fifty thousand warriors to be used against the Aztec Emperor Moctezuma.


The Spaniards Arrive in Tlaxcala

The state of perpetual war with the Aztecs had caused great resentment among the Tlaxcalans and by the time Cortés and the Spaniards arrived in Tlaxcala in August 1519, the confederation represented fertile grounds for an anti-Mexica alliance.  However, the Tlaxcalans, very suspicious of the strangers, were in no mood to accommodate the Spaniards and their Indian allies. The Spaniards and Tlaxcalans fought several battles, after which their new-found respect for each other gave birth to an alliance that would bring down the Aztec Empire within two years.


The Road to Cholula

The Spanish forces rested at Tlaxcala and became acquainted with their new Tlaxcalan allies before moving on to Tenochtitlán. The most direct road to the Aztec capital went through Cholula and emissaries sent by Moctezuma urged the Spanish to go through there, but Cortes' new Tlaxcalan allies warned the Spanish leader that the Cholulans were treacherous and that Moctezuma would ambush them somewhere near the city.


The Conquest (1519-1521)

On October 12, 1519, Cortés and his forces left Tlaxcala, arriving in Cholula two days later. Although the Spaniards were allowed to enter the city, the Tlaxcalan warriors were forced to remain outside the great city.  Eventually, suspecting treachery and an ambush, Cortés and his men massacred more than 6,000 Cholulans in the city of 100,000. After the massacre, the Spaniards’ Tlaxcalan allies sacked Cholula. The slaughter struck terror into the surrounding communities and sent a powerful message to other potential enemies of the Spaniards. Soon, the Spaniards, the Tlaxcalans and Totonacs continued their journey toward Tenochtitlán


Initially, following their great defeat at “La Noche Triste” (The Night of Sorrows) on June 30, 1520, the Spaniards and Tlaxcalans were routed and sent fleeing from Tenochtitlán. But, during the second half of 1520, while retreating from the seat of power, Cortés and his indigenous allies began carrying out punitive expeditions against various Aztec garrisons in Puebla, attacking Huejotzingo (16 kilometers — 10 miles northwest of Cholula) and Acatzingo (54 kilometers — 34 miles east of Puebla City). In addition to intimidating the local populace, the Spaniards also endeavored to secure the safety of their route to the Gulf Coast and the newly-founded port at Veracruz.


Later in the year, the Spaniards also attacked and seized control of the Aztecs towns of Tepeaca (43 kilometers — 27 miles southeast of Cholula) and Izúcar de Matamoros, located in the southwestern part of Puebla. With these victories, most of the indigenous peoples of Puebla fell in line with Cortés and joined forces with the Spaniards in their march back to Tenochtitlán. Finally, on August 13, 1521, after several decisive battles and an eighty-day siege, Tenochtitlán surrendered and the Spaniards announced their victory over the Aztec Empire.


La Puebla de Los Angeles (1531)

With the destruction of the Aztec Empire, the territories within it devolved to the control of the Spaniards. The Spaniards razed Cholula’s many temples and replaced them with Catholic churches. And, instead of rebuilding the ancient city, they decided to build a new city in a different location, about 15 kilometers (nine miles) to the east.


Thus, on April 16, 1531, the Spaniards established “La Puebla de Los Angeles” in a place known to the natives as Cuetlaxcoapan, located between Cholula and Tlaxcala. Legend has it that a band of angels appeared to Bishop Julian Garcés, one of the founders, pointing out where to situate the new city. The new city of Puebla thus became the first Spanish-built city in central Mexico not founded on the ruins of a conquered indigenous community. It also served as an outpost to control the native groups in the region.


Due to its convenient location halfway between Veracruz and Mexico City, Puebla became a frequent stop for travelers and its population grew rapidly. Puebla increased in importance as a center for industry and agriculture during the 17th century. Diseases spread by the Spaniards and poor living conditions, however, caused a major decline in its indigenous population.


Colonial Puebla

In 1524, the Spanish crown gave the conquistadors grants known as encomiendas, which authorized them to force area natives into servitude. As a result, the indigenous peoples were put to work in agriculture and mining for the benefit of Spain. One requirement of the encomienda system was the propagation of the Roman Catholic faith, so Franciscan priests went to work converting the native population.


Although the Totonacs had been allies of the Spaniards, over time the Spaniards eventually brought an end to their governing structure and reduced the Totonac and the related Tepehua communities into “congregaciones.” As a result, large parcels of land were left to the disposal of the Spaniards who, over time, developed the estates into sugar and livestock haciendas.


The conditions of subjugation that developed eventually led the Totonacs to rebel against the Mexican Government after independence from Spain. In 1836-38, Mariano Olarte led an Indian revolt in eastern Hidalgo and the Northern Puebla Sierra.


Indigenous Puebla in 1790

In 1790, a census in colonial Puebla revealed that 427,382 people lived within its boundaries, of which:


Ø  332,213 were indios (representing 78% of the population)

Ø  56,592 were mestizos (representing 13% of the population)

Ø  38,677 were Españoles (Spaniards) or other Europeans (representing 9% of the population)


Many of the larger towns of the Puebla jurisdiction had significant populations of Indians, including Tehuacán (87%), Zacatlán (85%) and Cholula (87%), while mestizos had significant representation in a few places, including Guachinango (19%). On the other hands, the Spaniards and/or Europeans had very little representation in most of Puebla. Only in Tepeaca did the Europeans represent 20% of the population.


Indigenous Puebla (1895-1910)

The 1895 Mexican census indicated that there were at least 313,169 speakers of indigenous languages five years of age or more living in the state of Puebla.  This large population group represented 32% of the state population of 984,413, which made Puebla the state with the fourth largest percentage of indigenous speakers, after Yucatán (64%), Campeche (51%) and Oaxaca (48%).


Fifteen years later, in 1910, Puebla’s indigenous speaking population had dropped significantly to 188,340, bringing the percentage down to 17.1%, and making it the state with the eighth largest percentage of indigenous speakers.


The 1921 Census

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including “indígena pura” (pure indigenous), “indígena mezclada con blanca” (indigenous mixed with white) and “blanca” (white). Out of a total state population of 1,024,955:


  • 560,971 persons (or 54.7%) claimed to be of pure indigenous background
  • 403,221, or 39.3% – classified themselves as being mixed
  • 58,032 (5.7%) claimed to be white.


Thus, in a period of 131 years from 1790 to 1921, the indigenous population of Puebla dropped from about 78% to almost 55%. But the population of speakers of indigenous languages was even smaller. Of the 880,813 persons five years of age and older in Puebla, 247,392 individuals spoke indigenous languages, representing 28.1% of that population group. So, while more than half (54.7%) of Puebla’s population identified itself as “indigena pura,” slightly over one-quarter (28.1%) actually spoke indigenous languages.


2010 Census

In the 2010 census, the Mexican states with the largest populations of indigenous speakers five years of age or older (by number) were:


  1. Oaxaca – 1,165,186 indigenous speakers (34.2% of the total population)
  2. Chiapas – 1,141,499 indigenous speakers (27.2% of the state population)
  3. Veracruz – 644,559 indigenous speakers (9.4% of the state population)
  4. Puebla – 601,680 indigenous speakers (11.7% of the state population)


The 601,680 indigenous speakers in Puebla ranked the state fourth behind Oaxaca (1,165,186), Chiapas (1,141,499) and Veracruz (644,559) in terms of its absolute indigenous speaking population. With 11.7% of its population speaking indigenous languages, Puebla was ranked eighth among the Mexican states for its percentage of indigenous speakers.


Most Commonly Spoken Languages in 2010

The most commonly spoken languages in Puebla among persons who were three years of age and older in 2010 were:


  • Náhuatl — 447,797 speakers (72.5% of the population 3 years or more)
  • Totonaca — 106,559 speakers (17.3% of the population 3 years or more)
  • Popoloca — 16,576 speakers (2.7% of the population 3 years or more)
  • Mazateco — 16,045 speakers (2.6% of the population 3 years or more)
  • Otomí — 8,934 speakers (1.4% of the population 3 years or more)
  • Mixteco — 8,288 speakers (1.3% of the population 3 years or more)
  • Zapoteco — 1,585 speakers (0.3% of the population 3 years or more)


Mexicans Considered Indigenous (2010)

The 2010 census also included a question that asked people if they considered themselves indigenous, whether or not an indigenous language was spoken. The results of this question indicated that 15.7 million persons 3 years of age and older in Mexico identified themselves as “indigenous.”  In this respect, Puebla ranked sixth with 25.2% of its persons 3 years of age and more who considered themselves indigenous, putting it behind Yucatán (62.7%), Oaxaca (58.0%), Quintana Roo (33.8%), Chiapas (32.7%), Campeche (32.0%) and Hidalgo (30.1%).


Thus, over a period of 220 years, the indigenous population of Puebla had dropped from 78% in 1790 to 55% in 1921 and finally to just over 25% (or one-quarter) in 2010.


Municipios with Indigenous Populations

Of Puebla’s 217 municipios, 26 have indigenous populations of 90% or more and 41 have indigenous populations of 80% or more. And, all told, nearly one quarter of Puebla’s municipios – 54 in all – have an indigenous population of 50% or more.


The Náhuatl Languages of Puebla

The Náhuatl people are the single largest indigenous group in Puebla and in the entire Mexican Republic. Although Nahuas live in all the states of the Mexican Republic, each of the 28 or so Náhuatl languages and dialects has developed unique characteristics depending on its environmental conditions. At the time of the Spanish contact, Náhuatl-speaking Indians inhabited several regions of Puebla. Today at least eleven Náhuatl languages are still spoken in various parts of Puebla. Some of these Nahua languages are mutually unintelligible because of successive migrations of people from different cultures over a period of two or three centuries, and many of these Nahuas maintain their strong cultural roots and cherish their language.


The most common Náhuatl languages in Puebla include the Central Náhuatl, the Eastern Huasteca and the Central Puebla. The Nahuas who live in the northern mountain ranges of Puebla are known as the “Nahuas de la Sierra Norte de Puebla” (they call themselves Macehuale). There are about 100,000 Sierra Náhuatl living in nineteen municipios that lie within triangle that is marked by Teziutlán, Cuetzalán del Progreso, and Tetela de Ocampo. The Sierra Negra Náhuatl and Southern Puebla Náhuatl languages are spoken in southern Puebla.


Totonacas (Northern Puebla)

The Totonaca — who were discussed earlier in this report — continue to live in the northern part of Puebla, as well as parts of Veracruz.  Today, there are seven Totonaca languages that are almost equally divided between Veracruz and Puebla. Totonaca is the eighth most common language spoken in the Mexican Republic today. In 2010, 126,000 people living in both Puebla and Veracruz spoke the Totonac language. In fact, Totonac is second only to Náhuatl as the most commonly spoken language in both Puebla and Jalisco (17.3% of all indigenous speakers in Puebla and 18.2% of all indigenous speakers in Veracruz).


Tepehuas (East Puebla)

Tepehua, a tribe belonging to the Totonacan linguistic stock, occupy a small territory where the Mexican States of Veracruz, Hidalgo, and Puebla come together. Tepehua is generally considered to consist of three languages—Pisaflores, Huehuetla, and Tlachichilco—while the Totonac branch is considerably more diverse.


The Popoloca Language (Southern Puebla)

Speakers of the Popolocan language are found primarily in southern Puebla, southeastern Veracruz (near the border with Tabasco) and in a small part of Oaxaca. The name Popoloca was applied by speakers of Náhuatl and means “barbarian, unintelligible language.” Popoloca, Chocho and Mazatec form the Popolocan language family, which belongs to the Otomanguean phylum. Popoloca should not be confused with Popoluca, a language spoken in the state of Veracruz, which belongs to the Mixe-Zoque phylum.


The Popoloca of Puebla are closely related in terms of language and culture to the Chocho (Ngigua) people of northern Oaxaca. The ancestors of the Popolocas probably emerged as a distinct ethnic group between 900-200 BC. When the Popolocas were at the height of their political power, after 700 AD, their territory covered much of central and southern Puebla, as well as parts of Tlaxcala, Guerrero and northern Oaxaca. In the 15th and 16th centuries, the Aztecs advanced into and conquered the Popoloca territories. As tribute, the Popoloca chiefs were required to send blue and black cotton textiles, lime, deerskins, and canes used for atlatl shafts to Tenochtitlán.


Today, Popolocas live in three non-contiguous regions of southern Puebla. Geographic and cultural isolation has led to great linguistic diversity among them, with at least seven regional variations of the Popoloca language spoken today, several in only one town. Although Popoloca is the third-most spoken tongue in Puebla, less than 3% of the indigenous speakers in the state speak the language.


Mazatecos (Western Puebla)

The Mazatecos primarily live in the Sierra Madre Oriental of northern Oaxaca, but some of them also resides in parts of Puebla, Veracruz and Guerrero. The Mazatec language belongs to the Popolocan branch of the Otomanguean family. The Mazatecos of Oaxaca and Puebla had been subdued by the Mexica around 1455-56 and the Aztecs had established garrisons in their territory at Teotitlán and Tuxtepec, to where the Mazatecos directed their tribute. The Mazatecos quickly submitted to Spanish rule after the fall of the Aztec Empire.


In 1954 the construction of a system of dams over the effluents of the Río Papaloapan (Río de las Mariposas) in Oaxaca forced the relocation of 12% of the Mazatecos to Veracruz and Puebla. Although the Mazatec is the fourth most commonly spoken language in Puebla, only 3% of the indigenous speakers in the state speak this tongue.


The Puebla Economy in 2016

The state of Puebla has a very strategic location in Mexico, 120 kilometers (75 miles) from Mexico City and about 300 kilometers (186 miles) from the international port of Veracruz. The state’s most important sectors include automotive and auto parts, chemicals, plastics, apparel, furniture, mining, fresh and processed foods and information technologies. The three largest contributors to Puebla’s gross domestic product (GDP) of 634 billion pesos in 2016 were manufacturing (25%), wholesale and retail trade (18.5%) and real estate and rental and leasing (14%).


In 2016, Puebla had a workforce of 2.7 million, of which:


Ø  25% were involved in agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting

Ø  18% were engaged in commerce

Ø  17% were engaged in manufacturing


In respect to the national level, Puebla represented 9.9% of Mexico’s workers in the agricultural sector and 4.9% in commerce. Agricultural production, cattle-raising and industry continue to be important elements of Puebla’s economy. However, because indigenous cultures are alive and well in most of Puebla, the state was and remains an integral part of Mexico’s indigenous past – as well as its future.


Individual local histories of the Puebla municipios can be accessed at:




Copyright © 2018, by John P. Schmal. All rights reserved.



Carrasco, David (ed.), “The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, Volume 2” (Oxford University Press, 2001).


Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, “Annuario de 1930” (Tacubaya, D.F., Mexico, 1932).


Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, “Resumen del Censos General de Habitantes de 30 de Noviembre de 1921” (México: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, 1928).


Gerhard, Peter, “A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain” (Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972).


Hamnet, Brian R., “Roots of Insurgency: Mexican Regions, 1750-1824” (New York: Cambridge Latin American Studies, 2002).


Harvey, H. R. and Isabel Kelly, “The Totonac” in Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), “Handbook of Middle American Indians, Part Two, Vol. 8” (Austin: University of Texas, 1969).


History.com, “Puebla.” Online: https://www.history.com/topics/mexico/puebla


Hoppe, Walter A., Andres Medina and Roberto J. Weitlaner, “The Popoloca,” in Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), “Handbook of the Middle American Indians, Vol. 7: Ethnology, Part I” (Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp. 489-498.


Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI). “Censo de Población y Vivienda 2010: Tabulados del Cuestionario Básico: Población de 3 años y más que habla lengua indígena por entidad federativa y lengua.”


INEGI, Principales resultados de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015. Estado Unidos Mexicanos:  III: Etnicidad.” Online:



Manrique C, Leonardo, “The Otomí” In Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), “Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 8, Ethnology, Part Two,” (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp. 682-722.


Minster, Christopher, “The Cholula Massacre: Cortes Sends a Message to Moctezuma,” Online:

https://www.thoughtco.com/the-cholula-massacre-2136527 [Updated Sept. 8, 2017].


Sandstrom, Alan R. and E. Hugo García Valencia (editors), “Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico” (Tucson: Arizona University Press, 2005).


Schryer, Frans J., “Native Peoples of Central Mexico Since Independence,” in Richard E.W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod (eds.), “The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Volume II, Mesoamerica, Part 2” (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000).


Secretaríat de Economía, ProMéxico Trade and Investment: “Puebla.” Online:



Secretaria de Programación Y Presupuesto, “1er Censo de Población de la Nueva España: Census de Revillagigedo — Un Censo Condenado” (Mexico: Dirección General de Estadistica, 1977).


Simons, Gary F. and Charles D. Fennig (eds.), “Ethnologue: Languages of the World: Mexico” (Dallas, Texas: SIL International, 2018 — 21st edition). Online: https://www.ethnologue.com/country/MX/languages.


Smith, Michael E. and Frances F. Berdan, “Province Descriptions” in Frances F. Berdan et al., “Aztec Imperial Strategies” (Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 1996), pp. 265-349.


Wilkerson, J. “The Ethnogenesis of the Huasteca and Totonacs” (1972: PHD Dissertation, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, Tulane University).







Indigenous Querétaro de Arteaga: Land of the Otomies


By John P. Schmal


The Mexican state of Querétaro de Arteaga located near the center of the Mexican Republic is bordered on the west and northwest by Guanajuato, on the northwest by San Luis Potosí, on the east by Hidalgo, on the southeast by the State of México and on the southwest by Michoacán de Ocampo. Querétaro is one of the smallest Mexican states, containing only 11,699 square kilometers (4,518 square miles), occupying only 0.6% of the national territory and ranked 27th out of 32 states and the Distrito Federal. Politically, the state is divided into 18 municipios.


With a population of 2,038,372 inhabitants in 2010, Querétaro is ranked 22nd in population among Mexico’s state and jurisdictions. Its capital city is Santiago de Querétaro, which had a population of 626,495 in 2010, representing almost one-third (30.7%) of the entire state population. There is a plaque in the Querétaro town of Tequisquiapan that claims that city is the geographic center of the Mexican Republic.


Querétaro’s Geographic Regions

Querétaro is part of three physiographic provinces: Neovolcanic Axis, Sierra Madre Oriental and Mesa del Centro. Querétaro’s mountain ranges cover 66.29% of the surface area of the state. In northeastern Querétaro, the rugged Sierra Gorda is part of the Sierra Madre Oriental Range and mainly consists of high peaks, small narrow valleys and deep canyons. The Sierra region includes cities that are part of Mexico’s Huasteca Region.


The Transversal Volcanic System (Neovolcanic Axis) is another mountain region of Querétaro that occupies almost half (49.61%) of the state’s center and south. The area consists of mostly volcanic rocks and is part of a chain that extends westward through other central Mexican states from Veracruz in the east to Jalisco in the west.


The Mesa del Centro is in the center-west of the state, and mostly consists of small mesas. The western section of the state extends into the Bajío, the rich agricultural region mainly occupying neighboring Guanajuato. While hills cover 23% of the state surface, plateaus and canyons only cover about 6% of the state.


The Otomí Indians (The Sierra Nahñu)

At the time of the Spanish contact, The Otomíes (who call themselves Nahñu, or Hñahñu) occupied the greater part of Querétaro and smaller parts of Guanajuato, the northwestern portion of Hidalgo and parts of the state of México. At one time, the Otomí held a great deal of power and prestige throughout east central Mexico. However, the rise of the Aztec Empire caused a decline of the Otomíes during the fourteenth Century. Nahñu belongs to the Otopamean language family, a subfamily of the very large Otomanguean Linguistic Group. (Most of the Oaxacan indigenous groups — including the Zapotecs and Mixtecs — belong to this language family.)


The Pames

At the time of contact, western Querétaro was occupied by the Pame-speaking Chichimecas, a semi-nomadic people who survived by hunting and gathering in their dispersed rancherías. The Pames constitute a very divergent branch of the extensive Otomanguean linguistic family. They were located mainly in northcentral and eastern Guanajuato, southeastern San Luis Potosí, and also in adjacent areas of Tamaulipas and Querétaro. To this day, the Pames refer to themselves as "Xiúi," which means indigenous. This term is used to refer to any person not of mestizo descent. They use the word "Pame" to refer to themselves only when they are speaking Spanish. But in their religion, this word has a contemptuous meaning and they try to avoid using it.


The Pames’ territory was south and east of the extensive Guachichiles who occupied large sections of San Luis Potosí, Zacatecas and Guanajuato. In addition, some of the Pame territory overlapped with the Otomíes in the east and south, and the Guamares in the southwest.


Initially, the Pames were minor players in the Chichimeca War (1550-1590), which was primarily waged by the Chichimeca Indians in the present-day areas of Zacatecas, Jalisco, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato, and as far east as Querétaro. The Pames took part in small raids on cattle ranches in the Bajío. However, in the 1570s, they became more involved in the hostilities, but later, as the war approached an end in the 1580s, the Pames experienced both assimilation and reduction due to deaths from war and epidemics. Today the Pames continue to exist as a cultural group with a living language.


The Náhuatl Languages of Querétaro

The Náhuatl people are the single largest indigenous group in Querétaro and in the entire Mexican Republic. Although Nahuas live in all the states of the Mexican Republic, each of the 28 or so Náhuatl languages and dialects has developed unique characteristics depending on its environmental conditions. At the time of the Spanish contact, only a few Náhuatl-speaking Indians inhabited Querétaro. Their numbers increased significantly during the colonial period.



Mazahua, a tribe of the Otomian linguistic family living in the western portion of the State of México, as well as some areas of neighboring states such as southern Querétaro and northwest Michoacán. In 1521, after the conquest of the Aztec Empire by the Spaniards, the Mazahua aligned themselves with the Spanish troops and joined them to help fight the Aztecs.


The Otomíes: Spanish Allies

The first Spanish party to arrive in the region of Querétaro was sent out by the Conquistador Hernán Cortés in 1526, a few years after the conquest of the Aztec Empire (1521). In the following years, many of the Otomíes very quickly aligned themselves with the Spaniards. As a result, Otomí settlers were issued extra privileges and were supplied with tools for breaking and working the land. For their allegiance, they were exempted from tribute and given a certain amount of autonomy in their towns.


In July 1531, the Spanish Conquistador Hernán Pérez Bocanegra and the allied Otomí leader Conín (later renamed Fernando de Tapia) — the administrative head of the Otomi peoples living in Aztec controlled territory — established the city of Santiago de Querétaro. During the same year, Fernando de Tapia led an Otomí force that conquered and dispersed the southern Pame. As the 1530s and 1540s progressed, Spanish cattle ranchers and Otomíes had begun taking over the Pame lands in eastern Guanajuato and western Querétaro.


Camino de la Plata (The Silver Road)

Querétaro gained new importance in the 1550s when a new road was opened to the recently established Zacatecas mines, about 330 kilometers (206 miles) to the northwest. According to historian Professor Eric Van Young, the silver strikes of the mid-1540s in Zacatecas "spurred a demand… for agricultural and livestock products from areas farther to the south." The new road known as the Camino de la Plata (the Silver Road) was part of the larger road — the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro (The Royal Road of the Interior) — which led south to Mexico City.


Otomí Collaboration

The Zacatecas mines put pressure on local Indian village economies to provide labor and the Spaniards came to depend on the Otomí and their settlements as a way to create a sedentary, agricultural population that did not oppose them and would work for them. However, during the Chichimeca War (1550-1590), the Otomí settlements suffered from numerous attacks by the other Chichimeca groups, especially the Guamares and Guachichiles (mainly from Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí). Peter Gerhard, in "A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain," writes that there were 18 Otomí settlements in the region, but seven or more of them had been abandoned because of Chichimec attacks. The Otomí had earned the wrath of the Chichimecs for aligning themselves with the Spaniards and becoming a part of colonial society.


Spanish Settlement and Conquest

During the latter half of the 16th century, Spanish cattlemen and farmers gradually moved in to the Querétaro Region, in spite of the Chichimecas raids which lasted until 1589. Eventually, the Spaniards would bring "groups of Christianized Indians" from the Valley of Mexico and Tlaxcala to colonize the area. Over several decades, the number of Otomí, Pame, Mexica and Tarascan Indians settling in the region increased steadily.


The Sierra Gorda

The Sierra Gorda was a mountainous region that included northern Querétaro and parts of Guanajuato, Hidalgo and San Luis Potosí. As the Spaniards and their Indian allies settled most of Querétaro, the nomadic Jonaces (now known as the Chichimeca-Jonaz) and some of the Pames retreated into the rugged mountains of the Sierra Gorda to the northeast in the Querétaro portion of the Sierra Gorda. This area would remain effectively outside of Spanish control until the mid-eighteenth century.


During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Spanish would surround this area, but did not actually send military incursions into the region. However, they did establish the Villa of Cadereyta in 1640 as a bulwark against the Jonaces and Pames in the area. Systematic evangelization of the region would not be attempted until the 17th century, when Augustinians in the east and Franciscans in the west began building missions during the 1670s and 1680s, under Spanish military protection. However, some missions were not able to survive and were abandoned in the face of a hostile environment.


The Conquest of the Jonaces

In 1703, the Jonaces rebelled against Spanish authority and conducted raids against Spanish missions in the Sierra Gorda. In response, the Spanish cavalry marched into the Sierra Gorda to contain the Jonaces between 1713 and 1715. A treaty was signed with the Indians in February 1715, but the Jonaces were guaranteed their freedom and control over the Sierra Gorda region.


In 1740, the Colonial Administration decided to fully subdue the Jonaces and sent an expedition headed by José de Escandón to accomplish this. Escandón fought the Chichimeca Jonaz, decisively defeating them at the Battle of Cerro de la Media Luna (Half Moon Hill). During the same period, the Pames peacefully acquiesced to Spanish rule, allowing Franciscan missionaries to settle them into the local missions. Escandón would launch the "Nuevo Santander" colony in Tamaulipas a few years later.


Querétaro in the 1921 Mexican Census

In the unusual 1921 Mexican census, residents of each state were asked to classify themselves in several categories, including "indígena pura" (pure indigenous), "indígena mezclada con blanca" (indigenous mixed with white) and "blanca" (white). Out of a total state population of 220,231, 42,718 persons (or 19.4%) claimed to be of pure indigenous background. Another 170,525, or 80.25% – classified themselves as being mixed (mezclada or mestizo), while only 0.3% claimed to be white.


Because most of Querétaro’s Indians had lost their tribal identity in the 16th and 17th centuries, very few had maintained knowledge of their ancestral tongues. Over time, the influx of indigenous migrants from other parts of Mexico and the displacement of local Indian populations had created an unusual ethnic mix in the Spanish settlements. Within a few generations, the indigenous warriors had become citizens of Spain’s colonial empire and most of them spoke only Spanish.


Querétaro in the 2000 Census

Although the population of Querétaro in 2000 was tallied at 1,404,306, the population of indigenous-speaking individuals five years of age or more was only 25,269, representing 1.8% of the total state population. By far, the most common indigenous group were the Otomíes, numbering 22,077 persons, or 87.37% of the total indigenous-speaking population.


The other indigenous languages spoken in 2000 census were:


  1. Náhuatl, who numbered 1,069 in 2000 (4.23%)
  2. Mazahua (336 speakers, 1.33%)
  3. Zapoteco (215, 0.85%)
  4. Huasteco (121, 0.48%)
  5. Purépecha (112, 0.44%)
  6. Totonaca (109, 0.43%)
  7. Mixteco (103, 0.41%).


While the Mixtec and Zapotec speakers were probably migrants from Oaxaca, the other languages probably came to Querétaro from neighboring states (San Luis Potosí, Hidalgo or Veracruz). Although the Chichimeca Jonaz language is spoken by over 2,200 persons in the Mexican Republic today, nearly all of them live in Guanajuato and San Luis Potosí, and very few make their home in Querétaro.


The Otomí of Querétaro

Today, Otomies live in two regions of the state. Some Otomies live in the semi-desert region of the north, comprising the municipios of Cadereyta de Montes, Colón, Ezequiel Montes, and Tolimán. There is also a significant population of Otomí speakers living in the Municipio of Amealco in the southernmost part of the state, adjacent to the states of Mexico and Michoacán. However, many Otomies have also left Querétaro to work in Mexico's major cities and in the U.S.

Querétaro in the 2015 Intercensal Survey

In 2016, the Mexican government agency, Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI), published the 2015 Intercensal Survey, which upgraded Mexico’s socio-demographic information to the midpoint between the 2010 census and the census to be carried out in 2020. With a sample size of over 6 million homes, this survey provides information on the national, state and municipio level, as of March 15th, 2015.


Considered Indigenous Classification

One of the 2015 survey questions read "De acuerdo, con su cultura, se considera indígena?" Essentially, Querétaro residents were being asked if they considered themselves indigenous through their culture. In answer to this question, 19.17% of Querétaro’s 2,038,372 residents classified themselves as being of indigenous origin. In stark contrast, only 1.68% of Queretanos actually spoke an indigenous language. Of the indigenous speakers, 76.5% spoke the Otomí language.


By far, the most indigenous municipio of Querétaro was Tolimán in the west-central part of the state, along the border with Guanajuato. Nearly 85% of Tolimán’s small population of 28,274 considered themselves to be indigenous and 27.32% actually spoke an indigenous language.


The much larger municipio of Amealco de Bonfil came in second. Of its 61,259 residents, 63.61% identified themselves as being of indigenous origin and 21% spoke an indigenous language.


Nearly half of residents (46%) of another large municipio, Cadereyta de Montes — with a population of 69,549 — identified themselves as indigenous. However, only 2.83% of its residents spoke indigenous languages.


Although most Queretanos are centuries removed from their indigenous roots, it is a tribute to their ancestors that nearly one-fifth of them now identify themselves as being of indigenous culture in response to one question asked in the 2015 Intercensal Survey.




Carrasco, David (ed.), "The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, Volume 2." Oxford University Press, 2001.


Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, "Annuario de 1930." Tacubaya, D.F., Mexico, 1932.


Departamento de la Estadística Nacional, "Resumen del Censos General de Habitantes de 30 de Noviembre de 1921." México: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación, 1928.


Gerhard, Peter, "A Guide to the Historical Geography of New Spain." Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 1972.


Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas (INALI). "Lenguas Indígenas Nacionales en Riesgo de Desaparición: Variantes Lingüísticas por Grado de Riesgo." Mexico, D.F.: Instituto Nacional de Lenguas Indígenas, 2012.


INALI, "Catálogo de las Lenguas Indígenas Nacionales: Variantes Lingüísticas de México con sus Autodenominaciones y Referencias Geoestadísticas: Otomí." Online: https://www.inali.gob.mx/clin-inali/html/v_otomi.html#1


Instituto Nacional de Estadística Geografía e Informática (INEGI). "Censo de Población y Vivienda (2010): Panorama Sociodemográfico de México." March 2011.


INEGI, "Encuesta Intercensal 2015, Tabulados Predefinidos: Estado Unidos Mexicans: Etnicidad." Mexico: June 2016.


INEGI, "Principales Resultados de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015. Estado Unidos Mexicanos: III: Etnicidad." Online:



Manrique C, Leonardo, "The Otomí." In Evon Z. Vogt (ed.), "Handbook of Middle American Indians, Vol. 8, Ethnology, Part Two," (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969), pp. 682-722.


Sandstrom, Alan R. and E. Hugo García Valencia (editors), "Native Peoples of the Gulf Coast of Mexico" (Tucson: Arizona University Press, 2005).


Schryer, Frans J., "Native Peoples of Central Mexico Since Independence," in Richard E.W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod (eds.), "The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Volume II, Mesoamerica, Part 2" (Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000).


Super, John C. "The Agricultural Near North: Querétaro in the Seventeenth Century," in Provinces of Early Mexico, edited by Ida Altman and James Lockhart (1976), pp. 231-251.


Van Young, Eric. "The Indigenous Peoples of Western Mexico from the Spanish Invasion to the Present: The Center-West as Cultural Region and Natural Environment," in Richard E. W. Adams and Murdo J. MacLeod, The Cambridge History of the Native Peoples of the Americas, Volume II: Mesoamerica, Part 2. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 136-186





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